Dr. Marlene Winell speaks about indoctrination by authoritarian religion

By Dr. Marlene Winell --

The effects of authoritarian religious training can last a long time and run deep, seriously impacting your ability to enjoy life. Often people have intense feelings of confusion, grief, anxiety, and anger as they let go of a harmful religion.

Fundamentalist Christians vs. The CrowdImage by ArcaHeradel via Flickr

Full recovery can be difficult if the issues are not clear and you feel alone in the struggle. At the same time, you can feel enormous relief and liberation, especially if you have support.

As a "recovering fundamentalist" myself, and with years of experience working with people coming out of many dogmatic religious traditions, I have written a self-help book called Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion. For some time now, I have been counseling people of many backgrounds – evangelical and Pentecostal Christian, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, Seventh-Day Adventist, Scientology, Eastern groups, and any organizations of a cultish nature. I can work with you individually or in a group setting to help you understand what you have been through and take steps to recovery.


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