If Bible-god Could Change

By Carl S ~ I f Bible-god could change his mind, what changes might he make? 1. As a parent he wouldn't allow his children to feel responsible for all the chaos they experience in life, and for the deaths, poisons, and destruction inherent in Nature. 2. He would forbid those who claim to speak in his name from exploiting emotions, through hammering at those emotions with all manner of confusing and conflicting demands attributed to him. 3. He would not play favorites, telling some they are much better than others and therefore have the right to dominate, denigrate, snub, persecute, jail and execute whomsoever they say he hates. 4. This god would encourage humans to think for themselves and never take his word for anything on faith. He'd want them to think freely and become independently mature. 5. He'd tell those intelligent creatures: Wisdom is attained in doubting and searching after the facts continually. 6. He would say, "Please, no praise or worship....