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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Very, Very Large Conspiracy

By Carl S ~

The American Psychological Association site features an interview with Karen Douglas, PhD. on "Why people believe in conspiracy theories." Wondering why I'm tying beliefs in conspiracies directly to religious beliefs? You may figure it out before she finishes talking. On page 6 of my printout, Dr. Douglas is asked, "What makes a conspiracy theory catch on and have staying power? Are there certain types of theories that are stickier than others or some that are more enduring?" She finds that a "really, really, fascinating question." (Because they come back again or come back again in a different form, for instance.) She says sorts of conspiracy theories have always been there. They mutate. They change.

Dr. Douglas didn't get into a connection between religious beliefs and conspiracy theories, but I couldn't stop thinking about a very, very, large conspiracy theory that has endured for thousands of years, unchanged and invoked time after time in every country on earth. It's the one that has justified evil actions, persecutions, deaths, and untold horrors in its simple single-minded okay for doing them. It's the conspiracy that absolutely believes there are absolutely invisible evil forces and evil humans conspiring together, and they are involved in a never-ending war against absolute good.

Those who believe one conspiracy theory are likely to believe other conspiracy theories...You can't reason with believers who are convinced absolute evil beings exist, and point out there is no absolute good and evil; the evidence shows evil actions are committed by humans alone, many of them only too likely to place the responsibility for their actions on invisible demonic scapegoats. This is the conspiracy theory behind the Sept. 11, 2001 destructions, and deaths of thousands. This conspiracy dogma is without evidence, it's total bullshit. It should be cremated.

What have I learned in eighty-five years? Well, the Bible is bullshit. Every theology is bullshit. Religions are psychological mind-fuck gambling games. Men create bullshit and tell outrageous lies only to gain power, and if those lies are believed, they repeat them, embellish and enshrine them, add even more outrageous lies. To stay in power, won't they create holidays to celebrate the bullshit?

I myself posted a fabricated "scriptural" conspiracy theory about a sexual relationship between St. Paul and a twelve year old girl, just to see if readers would accept it. I was emboldened by the evidence pedophile clergy cover-ups are already known, and I suspect this has been the case for centuries. So why not create a possible conspiracy cover-up going back to the beginning of Christianity itself? Just another instance of trying to make a point. With scriptural tradition it's impossible to tell if something is true or bullshit.

Research finds those who believe one conspiracy theory are likely to believe other conspiracy theories - even when they contradict one another! The same can be said for sincere religious beliefs. Makes sense that believers in devils manipulating events with human agents have already set themselves up to believe other bizarre fantasies. When we're dealing with belief in a single god who creates devils and a hell, we have a conspiracy game to get good people to harm and kill other good people. What kind of warped, and/or, drug-addled mind created a nightmare conflict not to be glutted until this world is destroyed? Welcome to the Good News Conspiracy theory.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

How the Church Manipulated the Original Bible

By G.M. Gates ~

What if Christianity is lying about the Bible? What if the original Bible in Hebrew was manipulated by the Church? What if the Old Testament was still being still being changed, hundreds of years after the life of Jesus? What if your pastor knows this but won’t tell you, because he’d lose his job?

When I was attending seminary, I heard a joke that went like this:

What do you call someone with a Master’s of Divinity? Answer: an atheist.

While this is a joke, I had to wonder how true it was. Are there pastors, preaching in the pulpit, who no longer believe in the faith of their youth, but they feel like they can’t escape?

Put yourself in their position. Could you imagine what it’s like to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a degree in theology, only to discover that the true history of the bible is distorted? What would this do to someone? What would they think?

First off, they probably can’t tell anyone. They’d be alienated from people they love. They’d also be destroying numerous people’s only source of hope and inspiration. They’d be alone.

If you’re a pastor and you read this, I sympathize with you.

But this article isn’t addressed to pastors. It’s for the person sitting in the pews.

I don’t really know how to tell you this, but your pastor is probably lying to you; and they feel like they have no choice, because the church is their paycheck.

So I am here to tell you what they can’t or won’t tell you.

Here it goes….

The original Jewish Bible (aka the “Old Testament” by Christians) was written in Hebrew. The Christian Old Testament was written in Greek by Hellenistic Jews. These writers produced The Greek Septuagint. It was influenced by the Greco Roman world, more than it was influenced by the Jewish world.

Now, a well informed Christian will tell you that the Greek Septuagint is a reliable Bible. It was written in the second century B.C.E. However, this is misleading.

The original Septuagint was the first five books of the Bible only. These were the books written in the second century B.C.E.. It included Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy alone.

A fairly informed Christian will disagree with this. But they are sincerely wrong.

The church is lying. And many Christian theologians are involved in the coverup.The Christian church added other books to the Septuagint, and edited them, up until the fourth century of the common era. It was still being revised by Lucian of Antioch after the life of Jesus of Nazareth!!!!

So if it was being edited, just how edited was it?

Tell your Christian friend to grab a bible. Tell them to read Zachariah chapter 12 verse 10.

Now, here it is in the Jewish Bible:
“And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplications. And they shall look to me because of those who have been thrust through [with swords], and they shall mourn over it as one mourns over an only son and shall be in bitterness, therefore, as one is embittered over a firstborn son.”
Here it is in the Christian Bible:
“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.”
If you’re paying attention, you’ll notice that the Christian church deliberately added to the passage, and did this intentionally.

If they changed it here, where else has it been changed?

I could continue, but for the sake of brevity, I’ll stop here. I encourage you to research this for yourself.

The church is lying. And many Christian theologians are involved in the coverup.

Please share this article with someone who may benefit from this information.

Expose the church’s deception!