Lutheran pastor admits child porn

Andrew Spallek, the former pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Black Jack, pleaded guilty to a federal child pornography possession charge Wednesday and admitted possessing 13 images of children engaged in sex acts.

Spallek, 49, of Florissant, resigned as pastor on Sept. 23, citing “personal reasons.” He was indicted the next day in U.S. District Court in St. Louis on two child porn charges.

He faces roughly three to four years in prison when sentenced in May.

Spallek was snared by an international child pornography investigation after he was identified as a member of an online bulletin board used to share child porn.

Defense lawyer Matt Radefeld said in October that there were no allegations that Spallek produced child porn or was involved in any improprieties with church members or children.

Spallek held various official positions with the Missouri District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, including as a vice president in a term that ended in June, but has not held any positions since that time.



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