The Nature of Evil

By Rebekah ~ E vil isn't some force that actually exists, it's a concept we assign to events that we find undesirable. Such events occur because evolution is the survival of those that are best suited for their environment, this allows room for all sorts of undesirable events to occur. People's behaviors are driven by the results of evolutionary pressures which molded their DNA and their environments. The God hypothesis doesn't bring us any closer to a resolution to the question of how did life begin. It just pushes the question back a layer, to how did God begin? Or, if an infinitely complex being can exist forever, why not the universe? If some infinitely intelligent and benevolent being had set evolution in motion, they would know it doesn't make sense to punish us, especially so severely, for being what we were created to be. From the Christian perspective, how do you explain evil? Why does God give the devil so much power, to the point he can roam the en...