Purpose and Posting Guidelines
The ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net websites are open to all with the stipulations that they not be used for a SPAM medium or a place to verbally abuse Ex-Christians. Personal hate campaigns leveled at non-Christians are not appreciated; such postings may be deleted.
This blog exists for the express purpose of encouraging those who have decided to leave religion (Christianity) behind. It is not an open challenge to Christians to avenge what they perceive as an offense against their religious beliefs.
Having said that, all people are welcome to join the discussions and post their ideas, thoughts, or even well thought out arguments. Discussions are permitted even if they become heated.
If a topic degenerates into nothing but name calling, posts may be deleted. Posters can expect to have all their posts deleted if they simply copy and paste the same basic message on multiple pages.
Spammers and those who regularly post acidic, angry rhetoric against non-Christians may be banned from posting.
Ex-Christian.Net strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe everybody should have the freedom to post whatever they like on their own websites, within the boundaries of the law. Anyone who finds the policies of this site too constraining is free to create another website tailored to fit his or her personal preferences.
Posting Comments
Registration is not required to post a comment, but those who register have the ability to track comments, receive email notifications of replies to comments, edit comments, keep track of own or others' comments and more. Click here to register. Non-registered comments are moderated.
Definitions of Website Abuse
Trolls tend to argue only for the cause of starting a good fight. They use inflammatory statements and try to upset people, just for the entertainment of seeing the effect. Trolls usually are closed-minded to any replies that are made, and they might jump from the original topic to just flaming anyone who disagrees with them.
Most of the time, trolls try to stay anonymous and don't post pictures of themselves or give any information of who they are.
Occasionally members can also get into a trolling action, acting similar to a troll, but their motivation is not to just stir up emotions, but rather they just are just responding with anger or irritation against an opposing poster. This type of exchange doesn't really count as trolling per se, but is just an outburst by an upset member.
More information
A spammer is someone that does "excessive multiple posting" (EMP), i.e. repeated posting the same message, or a substantially similar message, either in the same topic or cross-posting the message in several topics. This can also be done over several different sites.
More Information
A spoofer pretends to be someone else, or has multiple accounts that he or she alternates between.
Sometimes members do this for a comical effect and it is not malicious. A true spoofer is primarily someone who intentionally wants to hide their true identity in order to troll or display other disruptive behavior. Spoofing even for only comical effects is discouraged.
More Information
Quote mining/Information Pirating
Quote mining is when text from different sources are used excessively and the person is not adding any input or opinion of his own, while at the same time pretending the quote is something he or she made up.
There's nothing wrong with quoting sources, but it's extremely important to make a note that it is in fact a quote, and also include the reference from which the quote was taken, and preferably a link to a web page with the full article.
More information
Sniper, Post-n-run
A sniper or post-n-run starts one or more topics with questionable or inflammatory material, and then leaves to never return.
More Information (Hit-and-run military style)
Legal Disclaimers
Use and participation in the ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites is contingent upon your acceptance of the following terms and rules. By using our Web sites, you accept these terms. In addition, your continued use of our Web sites after a change has been made to the policies of our Web sites implies your assent to those changes.
Monetary contributions submitted to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net are used to cover administrative costs associated with the operation and maintenance of this web site.
Resource Submissions
You acknowledge and agree that, by submitting any resource, link, applet, information, content or other materials ("content") to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net, you grant to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net a nonexclusive, worldwide license to link to, reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, display and sublicense the submitted content. Further, by submitting content to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net, you acknowledge that you have the authority to grant such rights to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net shall have the right under its license to analyze, report on, summarize, and display the source code on its web sites.
Links to Other Sites
ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net chooses its links to other Web sites carefully. However, ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of Web sites operated by third parties that are linked to or from ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites. These links are meant for the visitor's convenience only. Links to third party Web sites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of any content, policies or practices of such sites. Once you have left ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net via such a link, you should check the applicable terms of use and privacy policy of the third party site. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites may also be linked to or from Web sites operated by companies affiliated with ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. Visitors to those sites should refer to their separate terms of use, privacy policies and practices.
Warranty Information
This site, including any content or information contained within it or any site-related service, or any product or service licensed or purchased through the site, is provided "as is" with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You acknowledge that any warranty that is provided in connection with any of the products or services described herein is provided solely by the owner, advertiser or manufacturer of that product and/or service, and not by ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. You also acknowledge that your access to the site and/or related services will not be free of interruptions. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of this site and site-related services.
Neither ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net nor its sponsors are responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other theory arising out of or relating in any way to the site, site-related services and/or content or information contained within the site. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the site, site-related services and/or content or information contained within the site is to stop using the site and/or those services.
A possibility exists that the site could include inaccuracies or errors. Additionally, a possibility exists that unauthorized additions, deletions and alterations could be made by third parties to the site. Although ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net attempts to ensure the integrity and the accurateness of the site, it makes no guarantees whatsoever as to the correctness or accuracy of the site.
This site contains links to other web sites operated by third parties. you acknowledge that, when you click on a link to visit a linked site, a frame may appear that contains the ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net logo, advertisements and/or other content selected by ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. You acknowledge that ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors neither endorse nor are affiliated with the linked site and are not responsible for any content that appears on the linked site. You also acknowledge that the owner of the linked site neither endorses nor is affiliated with ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors.
Void where Prohibited
Although the site is accessible worldwide, not all products or services discussed or referenced in the site are available to all persons or in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net reserves the right to limit the provision of any product or service to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction it so desires. you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors against any and all claims, damages, costs or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from (a) your breach of this agreement, (b) your violation of the code of conduct and/or (c) your activities in connection with the site or site-related services.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors against any and all claims, damages, costs or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from (a) your breach of this agreement, (b) your violation of the code of conduct and/or (c) your activities in connection with the site or site-related services.
Please remember that ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net is not responsible for any comments posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any comments, and are not responsible for the contents of any comments.
The messages/comments express the views of the author of the messages/comments, not necessarily the views of ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact the webmaster immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages/comments and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this website to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
We recognize that your privacy is very important and that you have a right to control your personal information. We understand that providing personal information is an act of trust and we strive to protect your personal information and safeguard your privacy and security.
This privacy statement covers the Internet web sites http://exchristian.net and ex-Christian.Net (further referred to as "ExChristian.Net, "we," "us" or "our").
The following sections describe in detail how we handle and protect your personal information.
Information collection and use
ExChristian.Net is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will NEVER sell, rent, or share this information with any other party.
We use an outside credit card processing company for services provided through ExChristian.Net - PayPal. PayPal uses encryption and secure servers to process your order and does not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.
Links to other sites
This website contains links to other websites. Please note that we do not cover privacy practices of those web sites. If you decide to purchase any services from those websites or sign up for any offers or newsletters while being on the sites, you must carefully review the privacy policy of these web sites before making your decision.
Email inquiries
When you send an email inquiry to ExChristian.Net, we will only use the return email address to answer your query. We will not use this email address for any other purpose and will not share it with any third party for the purposes other than answering your email query. ExChristian.Net may retain the emails we receive for the purpose of using them as a testimonial, as a proof. When submitting an article or testimonial, you personally identifiable information is not displayed on our site unless requested by you. Please be aware that by submitting a testimonial including personally identifiable information, you are doing it at your own risk and ExChristian.Net is not responsible for any future communication that you may receive as the result of this submission.
We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information in the cases where such disclosure is required by law and/or is necessary pursuant to legal proceeding or a court order, or to protect the interests of our users, as decided in the sole discretion of ExChristian.Net.
A "cookie" is a small data file that can be placed on your computer's hard drive by some web sites you are visiting. Our web site uses cookies for the purposes of tracking referrals and delivering the service to our users, and analyzing the user's aggregate data for statistical purposes and improving our services and products. The cookies we use do not enable third parties to access any of your personally identifiable information.
Our partners and advertisers may use their own cookies. We do not control the cookies used by other web sites you may be visiting through the links on this web site, and we expressly disclaim any liability for the information collected through the cookies set by any other site than ExChristian.Net.
Log Files
Our web site uses IP addresses to administer the site, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use your email address to send the newsletter to you. Our newsletter is "Double Opt-in." You can unsubscribe ("Opt-out") at any time, in which case your email address will be permanently removed from our database. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions included in every newsletter.
Children's Privacy
Protecting children's privacy is especially important to us. Therefore the use of this website is restricted to persons 18 years and older.
Data Security
We strive to protect your personal information and prevent misuse or alteration of the information that we collect from our users. While we do our best to ensure security of our website and network, we cannot guarantee that the security measures we undertake will prevent third parties from illegally obtaining this information.
Contacting ExChristian.Net
If you have any questions about the information we collect from our users, you may contact us through the contact page of this website.
Revisions to This Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy and/or our Terms Of Use agreement at any time, such updates to be effective by posting on the site..
Copyright Information

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) .
The ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net websites are open to all with the stipulations that they not be used for a SPAM medium or a place to verbally abuse Ex-Christians. Personal hate campaigns leveled at non-Christians are not appreciated; such postings may be deleted.
This blog exists for the express purpose of encouraging those who have decided to leave religion (Christianity) behind. It is not an open challenge to Christians to avenge what they perceive as an offense against their religious beliefs.
Having said that, all people are welcome to join the discussions and post their ideas, thoughts, or even well thought out arguments. Discussions are permitted even if they become heated.
If a topic degenerates into nothing but name calling, posts may be deleted. Posters can expect to have all their posts deleted if they simply copy and paste the same basic message on multiple pages.
Spammers and those who regularly post acidic, angry rhetoric against non-Christians may be banned from posting.
Ex-Christian.Net strongly believes in freedom of speech. We believe everybody should have the freedom to post whatever they like on their own websites, within the boundaries of the law. Anyone who finds the policies of this site too constraining is free to create another website tailored to fit his or her personal preferences.
Posting Comments
Registration is not required to post a comment, but those who register have the ability to track comments, receive email notifications of replies to comments, edit comments, keep track of own or others' comments and more. Click here to register. Non-registered comments are moderated.
Definitions of Website Abuse
Trolls tend to argue only for the cause of starting a good fight. They use inflammatory statements and try to upset people, just for the entertainment of seeing the effect. Trolls usually are closed-minded to any replies that are made, and they might jump from the original topic to just flaming anyone who disagrees with them.
Most of the time, trolls try to stay anonymous and don't post pictures of themselves or give any information of who they are.
Occasionally members can also get into a trolling action, acting similar to a troll, but their motivation is not to just stir up emotions, but rather they just are just responding with anger or irritation against an opposing poster. This type of exchange doesn't really count as trolling per se, but is just an outburst by an upset member.
More information
A spammer is someone that does "excessive multiple posting" (EMP), i.e. repeated posting the same message, or a substantially similar message, either in the same topic or cross-posting the message in several topics. This can also be done over several different sites.
More Information
A spoofer pretends to be someone else, or has multiple accounts that he or she alternates between.
Sometimes members do this for a comical effect and it is not malicious. A true spoofer is primarily someone who intentionally wants to hide their true identity in order to troll or display other disruptive behavior. Spoofing even for only comical effects is discouraged.
More Information
Quote mining/Information Pirating
Quote mining is when text from different sources are used excessively and the person is not adding any input or opinion of his own, while at the same time pretending the quote is something he or she made up.
There's nothing wrong with quoting sources, but it's extremely important to make a note that it is in fact a quote, and also include the reference from which the quote was taken, and preferably a link to a web page with the full article.
More information
Sniper, Post-n-run
A sniper or post-n-run starts one or more topics with questionable or inflammatory material, and then leaves to never return.
More Information (Hit-and-run military style)
Legal Disclaimers
Use and participation in the ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites is contingent upon your acceptance of the following terms and rules. By using our Web sites, you accept these terms. In addition, your continued use of our Web sites after a change has been made to the policies of our Web sites implies your assent to those changes.
Monetary contributions submitted to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net are used to cover administrative costs associated with the operation and maintenance of this web site.
Resource Submissions
You acknowledge and agree that, by submitting any resource, link, applet, information, content or other materials ("content") to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net, you grant to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net a nonexclusive, worldwide license to link to, reproduce, distribute, adapt, perform, display and sublicense the submitted content. Further, by submitting content to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net, you acknowledge that you have the authority to grant such rights to ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net shall have the right under its license to analyze, report on, summarize, and display the source code on its web sites.
Links to Other Sites
ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net chooses its links to other Web sites carefully. However, ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of Web sites operated by third parties that are linked to or from ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites. These links are meant for the visitor's convenience only. Links to third party Web sites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval of any content, policies or practices of such sites. Once you have left ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net via such a link, you should check the applicable terms of use and privacy policy of the third party site. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net Web sites may also be linked to or from Web sites operated by companies affiliated with ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. Visitors to those sites should refer to their separate terms of use, privacy policies and practices.
Warranty Information
This site, including any content or information contained within it or any site-related service, or any product or service licensed or purchased through the site, is provided "as is" with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You acknowledge that any warranty that is provided in connection with any of the products or services described herein is provided solely by the owner, advertiser or manufacturer of that product and/or service, and not by ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. You also acknowledge that your access to the site and/or related services will not be free of interruptions. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of this site and site-related services.
Neither ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net nor its sponsors are responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive or other damages under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other theory arising out of or relating in any way to the site, site-related services and/or content or information contained within the site. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the site, site-related services and/or content or information contained within the site is to stop using the site and/or those services.
A possibility exists that the site could include inaccuracies or errors. Additionally, a possibility exists that unauthorized additions, deletions and alterations could be made by third parties to the site. Although ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net attempts to ensure the integrity and the accurateness of the site, it makes no guarantees whatsoever as to the correctness or accuracy of the site.
This site contains links to other web sites operated by third parties. you acknowledge that, when you click on a link to visit a linked site, a frame may appear that contains the ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net logo, advertisements and/or other content selected by ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. You acknowledge that ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors neither endorse nor are affiliated with the linked site and are not responsible for any content that appears on the linked site. You also acknowledge that the owner of the linked site neither endorses nor is affiliated with ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors.
Void where Prohibited
Although the site is accessible worldwide, not all products or services discussed or referenced in the site are available to all persons or in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net reserves the right to limit the provision of any product or service to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction it so desires. you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors against any and all claims, damages, costs or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from (a) your breach of this agreement, (b) your violation of the code of conduct and/or (c) your activities in connection with the site or site-related services.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net and its sponsors against any and all claims, damages, costs or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from (a) your breach of this agreement, (b) your violation of the code of conduct and/or (c) your activities in connection with the site or site-related services.
Please remember that ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net is not responsible for any comments posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any comments, and are not responsible for the contents of any comments.
The messages/comments express the views of the author of the messages/comments, not necessarily the views of ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact the webmaster immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages/comments and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this website to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
We recognize that your privacy is very important and that you have a right to control your personal information. We understand that providing personal information is an act of trust and we strive to protect your personal information and safeguard your privacy and security.
This privacy statement covers the Internet web sites http://exchristian.net and ex-Christian.Net (further referred to as "ExChristian.Net, "we," "us" or "our").
The following sections describe in detail how we handle and protect your personal information.
Information collection and use
ExChristian.Net is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will NEVER sell, rent, or share this information with any other party.
We use an outside credit card processing company for services provided through ExChristian.Net - PayPal. PayPal uses encryption and secure servers to process your order and does not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.
Links to other sites
This website contains links to other websites. Please note that we do not cover privacy practices of those web sites. If you decide to purchase any services from those websites or sign up for any offers or newsletters while being on the sites, you must carefully review the privacy policy of these web sites before making your decision.
Email inquiries
When you send an email inquiry to ExChristian.Net, we will only use the return email address to answer your query. We will not use this email address for any other purpose and will not share it with any third party for the purposes other than answering your email query. ExChristian.Net may retain the emails we receive for the purpose of using them as a testimonial, as a proof. When submitting an article or testimonial, you personally identifiable information is not displayed on our site unless requested by you. Please be aware that by submitting a testimonial including personally identifiable information, you are doing it at your own risk and ExChristian.Net is not responsible for any future communication that you may receive as the result of this submission.
We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information in the cases where such disclosure is required by law and/or is necessary pursuant to legal proceeding or a court order, or to protect the interests of our users, as decided in the sole discretion of ExChristian.Net.
A "cookie" is a small data file that can be placed on your computer's hard drive by some web sites you are visiting. Our web site uses cookies for the purposes of tracking referrals and delivering the service to our users, and analyzing the user's aggregate data for statistical purposes and improving our services and products. The cookies we use do not enable third parties to access any of your personally identifiable information.
Our partners and advertisers may use their own cookies. We do not control the cookies used by other web sites you may be visiting through the links on this web site, and we expressly disclaim any liability for the information collected through the cookies set by any other site than ExChristian.Net.
Log Files
Our web site uses IP addresses to administer the site, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use your email address to send the newsletter to you. Our newsletter is "Double Opt-in." You can unsubscribe ("Opt-out") at any time, in which case your email address will be permanently removed from our database. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions included in every newsletter.
Children's Privacy
Protecting children's privacy is especially important to us. Therefore the use of this website is restricted to persons 18 years and older.
Data Security
We strive to protect your personal information and prevent misuse or alteration of the information that we collect from our users. While we do our best to ensure security of our website and network, we cannot guarantee that the security measures we undertake will prevent third parties from illegally obtaining this information.
Contacting ExChristian.Net
If you have any questions about the information we collect from our users, you may contact us through the contact page of this website.
Revisions to This Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy and/or our Terms Of Use agreement at any time, such updates to be effective by posting on the site..
Copyright Information

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) .
All pages within this Internet website are the property of ExChristian.Net/Ex-Christian.Net. Permission (which may be revoked at any time) is granted to download the material in this site without alterations and for private and non-commercial use only so long as proper credit is attributed and the following copyright notice is included: Copyright 2001-2024 (ExChristian.Net) — Some Rights Reserved