Suffering For The Will Of god

By TheRedneckProfessor ~ I magine, if you will, a seedy hotel room in the dirty part of town. In the corner there is a small table, the drawer of which contains a Gideon bible. A garishly ornate lamp casts a pool of dingy yellow light upon the wall behind it, covered in peeling wallpaper, the fading floral pattern now more a study in browns after decades of dust and cigarette haze. In this room we have a 10-year-old girl: a singular expression of innocence and unfettered hope. Beside her, on the bed, is a 39-year-old pedophile rapist: the epitome of sociopathic sadism, a monster. He is neither her father, nor her uncle. He is, in fact, no one with whom this little girl should be alone. We know what is going to happen in this room; there is no need to provide further detail. This is the essence of meaningless, purposeless, gratuitous suffering inflicted upon innocence, examples of which can be s...