The Prey

By Lillian ~

This weekend, I got in my car and made the 5-hour trip to see a friend that I have had since college. Our lives have diverged a great deal. Anna has had a hard life, failed marriages, money problems, alcohol and drugs...but she is my friend, nonetheless.

A brother is all that remains of her family. When I arrived at her house she was drunk. We talked as we usually do and I heard the same things I have been hearing for years. This time she spoke of her 'Pastor'. "What pastor?" I asked. "You're Jewish!"

Ans so began her story of her being accepted into a Church and being baptized. She told me we needed to worry about the afterlife and the prophecies of the Bible.

Armed with my new Ex-Christian strength, I asked her why was she doing this. And she said, "I want a family. I want a eulogy when I die. I have a lot to offer a Church". I didn't know what to say. She is so very alone and this Church is 'taking her in'.

Who am I to judge her? I did my best to warn her. I wish she could have found a family with AA rather than this.


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