By Christy ~
I get so frustrated when I'm told I'm wrong for believing the way I do by someone who has never looked at the other side. How can one make a judgment unless they've actually considered ALL the facts? I would think if they actually looked at the facts they might be humbled a little bit.
Image by movimente via FlickrI left the Christian faith only after MUCH consideration and research. I didn't just wake up one day and say enough of this bullshit -- I thought it out carefully. I read several books, did countless research and looked at all the options.
I only disclosed that I was no longer a Christian out of necessity. Trust me, I did not want to stir the pot, but it happened, and now I'm left with two brothers that won't speak to me anymore (how scriptural and Jesus-like is that?!), and my mother telling me I'm wrong and acting like I'm breaking her heart.
Please, don't tell me I'm wrong based on what the bible says -- I don't believe the bible is the inspired word of "god." If you want to disagree with me or discuss the issue then please take the time to get more information.
I really don't care what anyone else chooses to believe; It's not my business, and what I believe is not their business. It's a personal choice. When we take these personal choices into the political arena it causes problems. The church and state should be and was intended to be separate. Live YOUR life according to YOUR beliefs, but don't force it on other people.
Although I feel Christians are misguided and uninformed, I think it's their choice to believe in their god. I don't care as long as they don't judge me or try to change me. They can believe whatever they want. In the end it really doesn't matter.
I get so frustrated when I'm told I'm wrong for believing the way I do by someone who has never looked at the other side. How can one make a judgment unless they've actually considered ALL the facts? I would think if they actually looked at the facts they might be humbled a little bit.
I only disclosed that I was no longer a Christian out of necessity. Trust me, I did not want to stir the pot, but it happened, and now I'm left with two brothers that won't speak to me anymore (how scriptural and Jesus-like is that?!), and my mother telling me I'm wrong and acting like I'm breaking her heart.
Please, don't tell me I'm wrong based on what the bible says -- I don't believe the bible is the inspired word of "god." If you want to disagree with me or discuss the issue then please take the time to get more information.
I really don't care what anyone else chooses to believe; It's not my business, and what I believe is not their business. It's a personal choice. When we take these personal choices into the political arena it causes problems. The church and state should be and was intended to be separate. Live YOUR life according to YOUR beliefs, but don't force it on other people.
Although I feel Christians are misguided and uninformed, I think it's their choice to believe in their god. I don't care as long as they don't judge me or try to change me. They can believe whatever they want. In the end it really doesn't matter.