Letter to my family

By Bruise ~ I 've called myself an atheist for about six or seven months now. I haven't told anyone except my husband (who is all for it, thankfully! ha!), and one cousin and one friend, both of whom are atheists. The rest of my family (on my side and my husband's) are Christians and I've been debating telling them about my deconversion and am considering sending the below letter...any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks! Dear Family, I would like to share some information with you that will likely come as a surprise. I have deliberated for some time now regarding the sharing of this information (should I keep it to myself??). As you read I have no doubt you will understand why I’ve struggled with this decision! I so badly want to be “real” with you, my family. I do fear that sharing this information will alter our relationship in some way (for the worse!); that would be the worst outcome in my eyes. I also fear that sharing this information will make you fe...