The Rapture After-Party!
By Geri Weaver, President of Central NC Atheists & Humanists ~
I am the President of the Central NC Atheists & Humanists, a Charter Chapter of the American Humanist Association. Please help us spread the word about two exciting events we have coming up during the "Rapture" weekend. Both are open to the public. We hope to make an impact in the heart of the bible belt with a huge representation of the secular community. These events are just the beginning; our organization is planning several community service projects in the near future, with the goal of removing the negative stereotype from the word "Atheist". The Rapture events are:
The Rapture After Party: May 21, 6pm at the Rainbow Room in Historic Downtown Fayetteville
This is essentially our "coming out" party where we will be celebrating our continued existence on earth. There will be a presentation on the history of the rapture and various prophecies, and a silent auction of items donated by our members and sponsors. We will also have a special guest appearance by Greydon Square, who is known in the secular community as "The Atheist Rapper". Advance tickets can be obtained on our website for a donation of $20 ($25 at the door). Admittance to the Rapture After Party will include a free ticket to...
The RAPture RAP-Up: May 22, 3 pm at the Rock Shop Music Hall
Greydon Square will be performing. Tickets are $12 ($15 for those under 21). Greydon has graciously donated his talent for this event, which is co-hosted by the Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear. Our organizations are funding his travel from California and his expenses while he is in Fayetteville through personal (tax deductible) donations.
We have two podcasts posted on our website (, including one interview with Greydon Square.
Please help us get the word out. Collaborating with other secular organizations is a tremendous help. Anything we can do in return to promote your organization, we would be happy to oblige.
We are also seeking donations (monetary or material), volunteers and sponsors, but most importantly we need people to come to these events so that other non-believers will know there is an entire community for the unchurched who are not afraid to proclaim we are not part of the religious flock.
Thank you for your time.
I am the President of the Central NC Atheists & Humanists, a Charter Chapter of the American Humanist Association. Please help us spread the word about two exciting events we have coming up during the "Rapture" weekend. Both are open to the public. We hope to make an impact in the heart of the bible belt with a huge representation of the secular community. These events are just the beginning; our organization is planning several community service projects in the near future, with the goal of removing the negative stereotype from the word "Atheist". The Rapture events are:
The Rapture After Party: May 21, 6pm at the Rainbow Room in Historic Downtown Fayetteville
This is essentially our "coming out" party where we will be celebrating our continued existence on earth. There will be a presentation on the history of the rapture and various prophecies, and a silent auction of items donated by our members and sponsors. We will also have a special guest appearance by Greydon Square, who is known in the secular community as "The Atheist Rapper". Advance tickets can be obtained on our website for a donation of $20 ($25 at the door). Admittance to the Rapture After Party will include a free ticket to...
The RAPture RAP-Up: May 22, 3 pm at the Rock Shop Music Hall
Greydon Square will be performing. Tickets are $12 ($15 for those under 21). Greydon has graciously donated his talent for this event, which is co-hosted by the Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear. Our organizations are funding his travel from California and his expenses while he is in Fayetteville through personal (tax deductible) donations.
We have two podcasts posted on our website (, including one interview with Greydon Square.
Please help us get the word out. Collaborating with other secular organizations is a tremendous help. Anything we can do in return to promote your organization, we would be happy to oblige.
We are also seeking donations (monetary or material), volunteers and sponsors, but most importantly we need people to come to these events so that other non-believers will know there is an entire community for the unchurched who are not afraid to proclaim we are not part of the religious flock.
Thank you for your time.