Reasons of Misotheist and Atheist

By illu minati ~

In this post I'm going to discuss two basic contentions based on my own knowledge (I'm open for comments, suggestions, and violent religious reactions) which are fundamental on misotheism and on atheism:

1. If God/gods does exist, then we should hate Him/them and

2. If God/gods do not exist, then we should hate religious people.

First contention says "If God/gods do exist, then we should hate Him/them." In order to explain it, we have to use points and explanations in order to make it a sound argument. Here are they:

1. God/gods are must be hated for His/their lack of respect on human life.

a. For everything is pre-destined to play on His/their great soap opera

a1. According to Jesus, it is finished before He died on the cross even though the Revelation event haven't take place yet,

a2. According to Moslem people, EVERYTHING that happen/happens/will happen is God's will, and

a3. So say the other polytheist religion.

b. For most of them (God/gods) require life/blood sacrifice

b1. John 3:16 states "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Almost all christian are fascinated with this verse but they fail to realize it's still a human sacrifice. Every person that lived or will ever live are sinful (Romans 3:10, 23) when they reach the age of accountability, they (humans) are so sinful that the only way to redeem them is to give a perfect sacrifice for God. But that is not enough, in order to activate eternal life you should also die of yourself and let Jesus live on you. But that's not enough; you have to give your tithes and offerings. But that's not enough, etc...

b2. Islam requires absolute surrender to God, almost the same as "you should die of yourself" and let Allah control you.

b3. Old Testament believers (Jewish people I guess) requires them a certain animal (lambs, doves, etc...) sacrifice on certain weight of transgression on YHWH.

b4. Cthulhu mythos (troll's face XD) about the old gods (for example Dagon), though gods of chaos and insanity, requires human sacrifice to bless the fishmen of Innsmouth with aquatic resources and whitish gold.

c. For all of them (God/gods) doesn't treat each human person equally, therefore having "chosen people" idea

a1. Almost all religion (except Buddhism) states that they are the only church that will be saved and all other are bound to hellfire or soul annihilation

a2. Even though not always taught, He/they always command them "righteous" purging (hanging, head dismemberment, burning in stakes, stoning to death) of infidels and law breakers of their religious beliefs.

d. Most followers unfortunately imitates their God/gods bloodthirstiness and cruelty

c1. Though I'm not against some good virtues of religion, I'm against disunity regarding on religious ideas that often lead on uncooperative actions with different people and worse, religious wars (holy crusades and jihads.)

c2. "Righteous" physical, emotional, and psychological inflicted punishment for correction on children

c3. "Righteous" torture and disrespect on infidels

d. Misogyny

d1. Unfair/sub-human treatment on women are rampant on Moslem countries where they are treated sometimes just as properties or child-bearers

d2. Also on some christian division church (e.g. Baptist church) forbids women to be a church ministry leader.

2. God/gods must be hated for Him/their lack of response

a. Having the fore-knowledge and control on natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, and etc...) occupying time does nothing but watch

a1. Jesus states that "even every hair of your head is numbered," this therefore shows that God is all-knowing but refuses to intervene

a2. Islam teaches that everything is God's will; therefore Allah wills it not to intervene...always.

a3. Greek mythology is different, for natural disasters are made by them

b. Having the fore-knowledge about man-made/caused disaster (terrorist bombings, different kinds of accidents, etc...), does nothing but watch

b1. Murderers, rapists, plunderers, thieves and extremist psychopaths increasing unsolved criminal cases

b2. Life-threatening accidents (e.g. airplane crashes, car accidents, etc...)

c. Having knowledge of million people suffering on war, famine, and disease, does nothing but watch

c1. Suffering on war because of different religious ideology (e.g. Israel vs Moslem countries)

c2. Extreme weather on certain places resulting death by famine and disease

c3. Incurable diseases infecting millions (if not billions) of people worldwide

3. God/gods must be hated for an imperfectly tuned universe

a. Scientists observations suggests that stability on universe is an illusion

a1. Eternal chaos of the cosmos only shows us that by time and chance, life on earth or on other planets (only a theory) will eventually die

a2. Some creationist scientists’ argument about perfectly tuned universe for the sake of life is invalid for by time and chance life on earth flourished but also by time and chance it will die.

b. Allowing war, chaos, and evil

a1. Maybe God/gods is/are sick psychopaths who loves to watch action movies on real life

4. God/gods must be hated for the eternal punishment/soul annihilation they made for "rebellious" people

a. Given all the perfect knowledge of God/gods about EVERYTHING, He/they still blame people for the evil they've done on Him/them and/or other people

a1. Knowing everything but doing nothing is useless which is why Batman is better than God

b. Given salvation solution is based on bad evidence (e.g. faith) rather than good evidence which often lead many people to atheism

Now the second contention says "If God/gods does not exist, then we should hate religious people" which is one of the fundamentals of atheism. Here are the points and explanations about the second contention:

1. Religious leader's mind and life control/manipulation

a. Taking everything by faith

a1. According to Scriptures, faith is believing or assurance of which is not seen, therefore without evidence. Blind leap of faith and faith is the same (Greg Koukl tends to disagree with this).

a2. Religious leaders use that phrase in order not to make believers doubt their "sacred" texts

a3. Religious leaders says it is to increase one's faith when fortune happens

a4. Religious leaders comforts (sort of) its believers to take it by faith when misfortune happens

b. Questioning religious leaders is blasphemy on God/gods

b1. Religious priests are offended when other believers/non-believers defeat them on religious debates

b2. Religious leader's atrocities (murder, rape, corruption, etc...) are tolerated by believers

c. To go against the church is to go against God

c1. Excommunication on church is emotionally, psychologically and spiritually painful on a religious individual

d. Parent's forced acceptance of a religious belief on their children

d1. A lot of religious parents tend to force in terms of scaring their children about hell in order for them to join the cult community

d2. Disowning non-believing children

e. Wasting one's life on church rather than enjoying current life

e1. Church priests and pastors teaches about that real believers must have full devotion (give everything) on their own churches

f. Community isolation of religious people

f1. Some religious sects teaches isolation of believers from non-believers on an extreme way (like Jehovah's Witnesses)

f2. Some are not even participating on national duties and obligations

g. Converting a free country to a religious country

g1. Most of the countries on Middle East are a Moslem countries whereas they can adapt national laws from their "moral" laws.

2. Justification of religious atrocities

a. Horrifying death on infidels

a1. Both Jewish and christian people are bound by Old Testament teachings (some christian division would say that OT is obsolete). So they approve or even recommend extreme death sentences (e.g. community participation on stoning to death) of non-believing persons

a2. Moslem people approve or even recommend dismemberment of head (beheading) punishment for religious blasphemy

a3. "Righteous" genocide of non-believing human beings

b. Necessary evil

b1. War plundering

b2. Forced marriage (basically a type of rape) of war captive virgins

b3. Slavery of non-believing people

c. Physical and psychological inflicted pain punishments of religious parents on children

c1. Scriptures suggests physical pain must be inflicted on children to "straighten" his/her mind (I'm glad that Philippines has a Child Welfare Act but I don't know on other countries)

d. Misogyny

d1. Unfair/sub-human treatment on women are rampant on Moslem countries where they are treated sometimes just as properties or child-bearers

e. Religious wars

e1. Religious wars lead by priests (by Moslem or Christian) are sometimes have hidden motives (e.g. plundering riches of a certain places) rather than conflict on religious ideology

In conclusion, both misotheists and atheists have good reasons to despise God/gods and/or religious people. We cannot yet prove or disprove the existence of God/gods (maybe never) and how many are they but observing everyday's insane events worldwide can make you see things differently. I hope you are not one of the people that are glad to see deaths on war, famine, and disease as a sign of second coming.

We misotheists rebel against God/gods for injustice and unfairness in life and how maddening He/they have done on people's minds and universe. Our atheist friends’ fights against the mind manipulation of religious leaders on people and their tolerance on their religious atrocities made in the name of God/gods throughout history until today. I'm so mad I can't control cussing God/gods; I hope more atheist would be mad as I am.

God/gods said to misotheists "I/We love you," well we said "SCREW YOU!" Religious people said to atheists "God loves you," well they said "God/gods are not real, so SCREW YOU!" And all the ex-christians, misotheist and atheist alike, raised their hands and gave [them] a big f*ck you.

illu minati is an ex-christian Filipino misotheist who believes on the God of Abraham, Jacob, and David. He is a 19 y/old electronics and communication engineering student that has stopped college for God does not keep His promise to supply his educational needs (e.g. knowledge, money, time, health, etc...) instead bombarded him lots of failure and misery just because he loves video-games (e.g. DOTA, LOL, SF2, etc...). He was a guitarist of JAM (Jesus Army Musicians) of Jesus is Lord Church.


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