A message to my old christian friends

By Anne R Keye ~


Well here it is dear reader and it is not pleasant reading I can tell you, but if you can walk the walk and have the courage of your convictions then read on,

God says in Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
—Isaiah 45:7

Now let us read that again, “I make peace AND CREATE EVIL, I THE LORD do all these things.” Hmm, so god or yaweh or whoever you wish to pass the buck to is the creator of evil.

Remember Isiah 45.7 dear christian reader because this will solve all of your problems about the unjustness of the world. Your silent partner is responsible for it all. But do the unfortunate people and situations they encounter deserve it. Do you deserve a terrible life and death. Do you deserve to be punished? Do you deserve to be stoned or burnt at the stake? [They burnt women and men at the stake you know].

Do you know this Christian Wives and Husbands:

” A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed” (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)

Yep, you must take your beloved wife out to the elders and have her stoned to death! I don’t know about you but I find this appalling [please excuse the pun]

Many have been taught that jesus makes all of this irrelevant. But, No he certainly does NOT! Thats why I encourage you to read your bible from beginning to end as yahweh wishes you to do. You will not know the story and it’s principles otherwise will you. jesus can’t help you on this one and neither can I. Only you can help yourself on this dear reader.You make the choice dear friend as it firmly rests in your hands and your hands only. Nobody else can think for you on this. And your actions will determine this truth.

Remember, the church goes through jesus to get to GOD! And when you get to God he will act accordingly to his laws, justified or not! So those that try to backslide from a justified stoning by joining a church via jesus will still have to meet up with GOD and he will NOT forgive.You see there is no getting out of it.

You go through jesus to get to GOD. But, it is still GOD'S law and not jesus’s. jesus would only get you to God who in turn will punish you severely and brutally for your breaking of his law and code.

I hope this helps you to get a better perspective on the madness that is the christian religion. THERE IS NOT ANY SALVATION FOR ANYONE once they get past jesus because GOD has stated what he wants and it is a complete contradiction and hence nobody can live up to it or by it! Not even him.

website: http://absenceofsilences.wordpress.com/2014/09/04/god-says-i-create-evil-what/

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