What I Wish I Had Said

by WizenedSage ~   
Thanks to Carl S. for the idea.

When the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door, this is what I wish I had said…

Men lie. We have all lied; most of us many, many times. In fact, lying among humans is so common that there are currently at least 700 different creator deities worshipped in the world today. TODAY! So, when we come across a wild or outrageous religious claim, shouldn’t we always ask, did someone lie? And isn’t that the most likely, almost certain truth of the matter, EVERY TIME?   

Is there really a god with four arms and an elephant head …or did someone lie?

Do Zeus and a collection of other gods reside on Mount Olympus… or did someone lie?

Did Muhammad really receive revelations from a god…or did someone lie?

Was there really a magical fruit tree in that garden… or did someone lie?

Was someone really born of a virgin… or did someone lie?

Was there really a dude 2000 years ago who could cure disease and even death with a touch…or did someone lie?

Is there really a god who came down to earth as a human… or did someone lie?

To my mind, when it comes to wild, improbable religious claims like these, the smart money is on the lie, all the time, EVERY TIME.

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