Man's Laws or God's Laws?

By Carl S. ~

Religions are parasites on societies, involved in their own survival and perpetuation. As such, they are anti-democracy. They will and do support any type government which is not a democracy, including those of Russia's tsars, Germany's Hitler, Spain's Franco, Russia's current Putin, etc. They will support Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, if they believe they will achieve their goal of purging this nation of undesirables through denial and repression of rights. When Franco waged his civil war supported by the Vatican, he attempted to wipe out "communists, Jews, Muslims, atheists, democrats, Freemasons, anarchists, and homosexuals." (How many people do you know who fit on that list?) An estimated two hundred fifty thousand innocent civilians were killed. According to Franco's chief of staff, "it was a victory of Spain against the enemies of her independence and of her faith...a crusade in defense of the Catholic faith..."

When the churches of Germany made their deals with the Nazis, they weren't acting morally, but practically. They kept their status quo, even at the cost of the continual deportations of their own citizens, of appropriating their properties, and killing innocent people. But it wasn't only the churches which went upon their merry way unhindered, without disruption, but their schools. The question that keeps hounding me is, “What the hell were they teaching in those schools, day after day, year by year?” Were they teaching dogmas decoupled from morality, or did they teach dogmas are morality? Whether it involves dictators or superiors who abet pedophiles, isn't it unchallengeable loyalty to the faith that creates ever more victims for the sake of the faiths? The clergy owes loyalty to their superiors and to one another, and not to morality. So it was, as they say in the Catholic Church, "in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, amen."

Religions are like glorified mafias, gangs, tribal cults, loyalty-demanding structures perpetuated by fear and ignorance and punishments for their members who might become dissidents and/or in any way might question their self-asserting authority.Organized or not, religions are like glorified mafias, gangs, tribal cults, loyalty-demanding structures perpetuated by fear and ignorance and punishments for their members who might become dissidents and/or in any way might question their self-asserting authority. They do not ascribe to natural human rights they don't agree with, since they claim rights as coming from their God, who "giveth and taketh" them. As his agents, guess who decides whose rights are given, whose are taken away? The holy double standard also proclaims it has the right to do so by virtue of believing alone.

In this election year, we can all complain and wring our hands about the "respected holy double standard" which allows denial and repression of our human rights, or we can damned well do something to curtail its domination over us. So, unless you want to have the politicians continuing the closings of Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas, denying women's rights across the country, blocking access to voting, making more Hobby Lobby type laws, having your tax dollars go to support religious institutions, etc., etc., etc., don't vote to stop them. Allow the Religious Righteous to override your human rights using politicians for their agendas. Many citizens don't know the First Amendment has to do with personal belief, not with a religious right to domination. Too many citizens are in the business of bitching and not voting. Because of this, change does not come about. "For evil to succeed," it is said, "all that is necessary is for good men (and women) to do nothing." If you value your freedom, go out and vote to defend it, especially if you live in the bible belted, bigoted sections of the South. Make sure your voting rights and ease of access are protected. You will not be imprisoned, tortured, nor executed for opposing religion, as people were for centuries in the "good ole days" ruled by religious holy domination.


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