Righteous Versus Righting

By Seth Strong ~

I read a lot of testimonials on this site after stumbling on it a few months ago. Keep those coming if only to vent something that you may not be able to say in mixed company.

I think religion-free people have a way to be right that is more process oriented. Instead of getting a book of divine providence and the comfort of knowing the man behind the curtain, we have to dedicate ourselves (in my opinion) to something more than simply being correct that there is no Christian god. Saying there are no gods isn't enough either.

Our information is no longer infallible, coming from church elders from God. Our information comes from the whole gamut of people which includes the informed, the delusional, the mistaken, and the liars. Our mission, if I might be so bold, is to continue to educate ourselves so that we can uncover the informed from among those.

You may not have time for continued guided education. But now that you've thrown off faith, what is your basis for justice and how does that affect civic duty? Living and let living is great for respecting other people's beliefs. But are you going to sit back while a subset of Christians weakens our modest science courses and undercuts our "faith" in science.

I don't mean to say you should have my values in politics, or my opinion of everything within the umbrella of science, or even my religion. We may all be exchristians, but I'm an atheist. I don't even mean to presume all of us have gone that route. What I want you to think about is how you're going to keep your information sharp. How are you going to defend to yourself that what you know now is the right information and you've done your due diligence to stay informed.

Our information is no longer infallible, coming from church elders from God. Our information comes from the whole gamut of people which includes the informed, the delusional, the mistaken, and the liars. Our mission, if I might be so bold, is to continue to educate ourselves so that we can uncover the informed from among those. Sure, we're busy. And a lot of you probably are doing things that continue your education. That's awesome. Just keep in mind, we can't be sheeple anymore. We have a beef to pick with the idea that information is distributed in a top down manner from god to us. We need to stay sharp and be prepared to show that post-religion things get better.

Thinking for yourself is a fine way to go if you've taken the time to ensure that you're thinking is a quality process. Find your way to take your exchristianity to the next level your way. We don't need to be righteous to help right our communities. Exchristian.net was here before you got here. What are you going to build for the next person?


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