
Showing posts from January, 2025

Screwed Up, Beyond Belief-Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Beginnings By Ex-Pastor Dan ~ Then Sings my Soul, my Savior God, to Thee... How Great Thou Art... How Great Thou Art! Then Sings my Soul... My Savior God, to Thee... HOW GREAT THOU ART.... HOW GREAT - THOU - ART!!! T he entire congregation was on its feet. Many with hands raised - most with tears streaming down their cheeks. Joyce and I stood with our backs to the thunderous choir behind us and lifted our voices in the final refrain, "HOW GREAT - THOU - ART!" I had instructed Brother Mac to have the entire congregation of wedding-goers join their voices with ours in singing one of my favorite hymns, and all 300 guests had enthusiastically agreed to serenade us with this slightly unusual (yet very moving and emotional) wedding song. My emphasis was this; God was and always would be at the very center of this marriage - Amen, Hallelujah! I don't recall much else about the ceremony. There was the typical vows that were admonished by Bro. Mac, and ...