Screwed Up, Beyond Belief-Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Beginnings

By Ex-Pastor Dan ~
Then Sings my Soul, my Savior God, to Thee...
How Great Thou Art...
How Great Thou Art!
Then Sings my Soul...
My Savior God, to Thee...

The entire congregation was on its feet. Many with hands raised - most with tears streaming down their cheeks. Joyce and I stood with our backs to the thunderous choir behind us and lifted our voices in the final refrain, "HOW GREAT - THOU - ART!" I had instructed Brother Mac to have the entire congregation of wedding-goers join their voices with ours in singing one of my favorite hymns, and all 300 guests had enthusiastically agreed to serenade us with this slightly unusual (yet very moving and emotional) wedding song. My emphasis was this; God was and always would be at the very center of this marriage - Amen, Hallelujah!

I don't recall much else about the ceremony. There was the typical vows that were admonished by Bro. Mac, and the obligatory I do's. Much emphasis on Love, Honor and OBEY by Reverend Mac to Joyce. Her whispered "I Will" had a slight quiver in it. I know now that she had a prophetic understanding of what that VOW had in store for her! While I, oblivious to anything but her radiant beauty, gleefully rejoiced in her promise of subservience. Of course she would OBEY me, I was the man and God had ordained it that way!

After the vows, prayers, songs, sermon and final KISS, we all gathered in the Fellowship Hall behind the Church Building. There was cake squishing in the face. Punch drinking with locked arms. More kissing and photos, but of course, NO DANCING! I couldn't wait to get out of there and start the Honeymoon! Tonight would be a carnal delight, wrapped up in a spiritual disguise (joined in body, soul and spirit - amen). The cu de gras being the pre-coital prayer.

"Oh God, please bless this union of our bodies - both spiritual and physical. May we rise above carnal lust and truly make 'LOVE' the way you have ordained it. AMEN, praise your Name...Yippy! Here we go!"

No, I didn't say that last part, but my mind was racing with excitement and anticipation for what was about to occur. And 'occur' it did. It occurred and occurred, and occurred....

In the words of the old rock song, "Oh what a night!"

After the first night we traveled up to Hurst's Castle, on the Central California Coast. It was a magical 3 days of site-seeing, eating, sleeping and love-making! It was spectacular!

After the honeymoon, it was back to Oak View, CA to start our life as a married couple. Life was about to change in radical and unexpected ways that I couldn't even fathom. But for now, we both felt that we were in the center of God's will, and nothing could stop us from being deliriously happy. All was right with the world and nothing could stop us!



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