Freedom and Peace

By Blackfreethought ~

It is such a relief to know my actions do not have eternal consequences. My mistakes will not condemn me to damnation and my good deeds will not propel me into heavenly bliss. I live each day recognizing the frailty of my humanity and that strengthens me to do the best I can to improve conditions in the world while I possess the mental capacity and vision.

My life is much sweeter because I understand that I am responsible for its outcome, although many things lie beyond my control. The gods do not wrestle over the fate of my soul, since neither my soul or the gods exist. My existence is not a battleground for good versus evil, where my mind is the prize.

I no longer attempt to justify life rules that do not fit my intrinsic values. I do not have to explain why I follow a religious system, largely responsible for the ills facing my community. I can freely embrace the historical facts and pursue other interests.

My life is much sweeter because I understand that I am responsible for its outcome, although many things lie beyond my control. This is the only life I have and I am getting older. I do not need the words of Scripture to encourage me during a difficult time, I would rather have the companionship and connection with loved ones. I may get ill and fall victim to a cruel disease, but I will continue to do my best while I am able. I will not require prayers or prophecies for encouragement if I am in that spot. I hope to live a long and fruitful life. I get comfort when recognize that a god or church will not use me as a test case for or against faithfulness to a Christian belief system.

I do not have the time nor the energy to invest my time believing in a faith tradition promising freedom, but constructed on lies and oppression. Justice and equity will not come from above, they must come from the activities of people who desire to see people living their best lives. The systems of religion only get in the way of human progress, although I acknowledge that good people also contribute, in spite of their religious persuasion.

The realization of these and other ideas allow me to rest easier and find a zone of peace because I am free from religious dogma and beliefs. I am a humanist and atheist.

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