Why “God Is Sin” Is Important

By Carl S ~

FoundationOfUnity's essay: “God is Sin,” (3/26/2017) is worthy of serious consideration. Whatever we have been told about “sin” takes on a different meaning when it's understood as distinct from morality. The author makes this distinction when he tells us, “God is sin...this is true. I know this by the definition of sin and its relationship to god. Without god, sin could not exist for sin is the transgression of god's law.” No god, no sin. On the other hand, one can be “sinful” yet moral, ethical, loving and charitable. In fact, if we consider further, doing moral acts will often entail being sinful. This understanding of god = sin denies the dogmatic propaganda of religion, which insists that without god, any immorality is permissible. But, if this god forgives everything, all bets are off, aren't they?

Why is a discussion of god and sin necessary? Obviously, believers in god consider obedience to his will as all important. Judging by their actions, they don't take their scriptures, dogmas, clerics, hell, or other divine punishments all that seriously any more, either. And they don't want to be bothered with facing these facts; or even thinking about them. But, they do insist sinning against god is serious enough to warrant hellfire. No believer truly has expectation of lightning bolts or any other individually-directed physical catastrophes befalling him or her as a result of sinning, anymore. But “God” is frequently invoked, nevertheless, as the ultimate deterrent to wrongdoing, in public pronouncements, political posturing, etc. Neither ethics nor morality in regards to one another is preached by church/state politicians except a citizen's and nation's duty to not sin against that god. By invoking the Christian god, such politicians also invoke the power of the state to punish, suppress, and deny civil rights to those whose lifestyles or words “sin against God.”

A truly 100% Christian nation would resemble an Islamic one But what is this sin all about, except what each religion defines as sins? Depending on which religion you're born into, the following are “sins:” eating pork and/or shellfish, not being circumcised, not observing holy days, not fasting on prescribed days. It is sinful to question or doubt the existence of god. All of these sins have been and are civilly punished in some places in this world. All of these sins have nothing to do with moral behavior. Why would something as simple as free speech (such as blasphemy, a sinful act), deserve punishment on the same footing as crimes like theft, assault, or murder?

Speaking one's mind about matters theological has been condemned as disrespect and disobedience to god, is sinful, therefore evil, deserving of social retaliation. How is it sin became equated with evil, since the god who is sinned against is himself the perpetrator of evil? I asked a believer, “What's the difference between immoral and sinful?” She said they are the same. I was ready with the answer, based on FoundationOfUnity's words. So, I replied, “It is immoral to murder your son. But if god tells you to kill him and you disobey him, you have committed a sin.”

How does this knowledge impact our lives? Well, a truly 100% Christian nation would resemble an Islamic one, such as Saudi Arabia. It would be founded on submission to clerical domination and whatever sect wins will punish “sinners.” This would be history repeating itself. Millions of innocents suffered and died at the hands of those who do not sin when they believe they're obeying the will of a god they themselves accept. Wherever laws punish actions harmful to humans, prior laws have punished “the sinful.” Why laws punishing those who sin against god? With real fear of the prophetic punishments of god, his obedient ones act immorally with the best of intentions. Sin is their problem, but they insist on making their problem ours. And this explains why so much of our societies are being screwed up by them. So yes, we need serious discussions about “God is sin.”

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