Logic is Hell

By TheRedneckProfessor ~ T he concept of hell, on its surface, seems pretty straightforward. Sin, evil, injustice, inequity, and all manner of human depravity are eliminated in one final stroke of god’s divine retribution. It appeals to our own sense of morality; because there is some part of humanity that earnestly believes in, seeks out, and, indeed, needs , justice, fairness, and equality. Hell seems to provide that. Even when no justice is ever served on earth, in this life. Hell provides the suffering for those who made us suffer. We want the Hitlers and the Dahmers of the world to be punished; yet, at the same time, hell provides the incentive for kindness when mercy, compassion, and humanity fail. Simple, straightforward retribution for the crimes and atrocities of the worst of us. Yet, as a christian concept, hell is extremely difficult to defend, when viewed in relation to...