How Paul Hijacked Christianity with a Bizarre Atonement Concept Jesus Never Taught

C hristianity as we know it today is, arguably, more a product of Paul than of Jesus. The core Christian doctrine—that Jesus' death served as a sacrificial atonement for humanity's sins—is nowhere clearly taught by Jesus himself. Instead, this strange and unsettling idea originates largely from Paul, whose letters and theological interpretations reshaped the simple moral teachings of Jesus into a complex and often dark theory of blood sacrifice and divine wrath. In essence, Paul hijacked the message of Jesus and replaced it with a bizarre atonement concept rooted more in Jewish sacrificial traditions and Hellenistic mystery religions than in anything Jesus actually preached. Jesus’ Teachings vs. Paul’s Theology The teachings of Jesus, as presented in the Gospels, emphasize love, forgiveness, and moral integrity. Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, and treat others as they would like to be treated. The Kingdom of God, according to Jesus, wa...