Survey Says: Better Not Play Bible Trivia with Un-Believers or You Might Lose

By Cheryl Ensom Dack ~ C ontrary to common Christian belief, the average atheist is not in fact someone who needs to have the Gospel presented to them in a clear way. They don’t need to have “the bridge illustration” doodled on a napkin for them. The average agnostic is NOT “not sure about God” because he or she doesn’t want to think too hard or is chronically fickle. In fact, according to an article in today’s L.A Times , “a survey that measured Americans’ knowledge of religion found that atheists and agnostics knew more, on average, than followers of most major faiths.” Say, what? Yup…you read that right. Why, you ask, would an atheist or agnostic know more about religion than a Christian? The L.A. Times interviewed Alan Cooper , the associate director for research at the Pew Forum, the organization that released this survey earlier this week and he answers this very question. He thinks the reason atheists and agnostics know more about religion than those who ascribe to thos...