A rant by an old "misethropic curmudgion" (Thanks Dis...)

By Dano ~ I 'm a atheist/agnostic/humanist, pantheist/whatever. In other words I have read enough about how Christianity got started plus all of the suffering caused by this faith to realize that I could never be a believer of pretty much any of it. I have gotten used to being shunned by people who I have eventually realized were born again Christians or had a belief in some sort of invisible deity and wore the smug demeanor of someone who believed that anyone who didn't, was working for the devil. I have never been bashful about telling anyone that I think all religions are a crock of shit, and are responsible for most of evil and divisiveness we see today. Now to be clear about all of the comic book paraphernalia that goes along with the Christian faith such as the devil, angels, heaven, hell, virgin births and blood sacrifices to god and such, it is clear to me that they also consist of what makes good fertilizer. So! Without a god to keep me on the straight and...