Seek and You Shall Find What You are Not Looking For

By Seeker ~ M y mom was "saved" when I was 7 and I was personally "saved" when I was 13. I considered myself very lucky: I fell in love with Jesus from a young age. I adored God and felt adored; manna for an insecure and shy teenager. In my 20's, I broke up with my long term boyfriend (5 years) because he was a non-practicing believer and I had realised that I was choosing selfishly and not devoting myself to Jesus enough (and I could certainly not yoke myself unequally). I look back on it with a great amount of shame and horror. I truly believed that I could hear God's voice and couldn't understand how other people could deny His presence. I would ask and He would answer. "Is Boyfriend my husband?" - "No". "What must I do now?" - "Get some pure Word". Pure Word was a passage-by-passage study of Torah (first five books of the Bible). I was flabbergasted at how much of the original context and meaning had been...