Canoe Trip

By Richard Zane Smith ~ T here was a man and his wife who had two lovely daughters. He and his wife loved them both very much. He had just built a wooden canoe and he took his daughters out onto the lake to teach them fishing and paddling and simply to enjoy the beautiful day together. While they were fishing he told them of a story he'd never shared. When the daughter were both young he had risked his life entering into their burning house to save them. The older daughter was awed and said "Wow…dad you must really love us!" to which he smiled and replied "Yes I sure do!" The younger daughter became thoughtful. "When did you save us dad and why has mom never talked about it?" The father was a little hurt. "You don't believe me? Don't you love me?" The older daughter said "I believe you Daddy and I love you most of all." The younger daughter said "Of course I love you dad… I just love mom more." ...