Why Does God Hate Children?

By Carl S ~ I f you believe anything in the Old Testament, one of the evils of a non-Israelite religion was sacrificing children to a god. But the Israelites killed the children of their neighbors in their deity’s commands to commit genocide. (It's as if the Israelite's were telling those children that one way or another, they would be killed for a god.) If you believe the Old Testament claims, millions of infants and innocent children were drowned by the god of Israel , Islam, and Christianity, in a great flood which covered the earth. If you believe anything in the New Testament, you might believe an infant was born to be a sacrificial victim to appease a god - a common demand of many other gods. Another belief pertains to a king, Herod, who orders the slaughter of thousands of children under the age of two, in his effort to destroy a “new-born king." Truly, their deaths were not prevented by the God of Israel, who got his son out of harm’s way, but not one of them. I...