How to come out to your parents as non-religious

By Marlene Winell ~ A fter going through your own deconstruction of religious belief, it can feel like a challenge to reveal your change to your religious parents. You might have a lot of fear about their reaction – anger, hurt, disappointment in you, and so on. You might fear being disowned. This is a common concern because our families mean a lot to us. It’s natural to want approval from your parents. When you were young, you depended on them for your life; you absolutely needed their love, care, and approval. So, even in adulthood, we long for our parents to love us unconditionally. However, in terms of human development over the life span, it is necessary for everyone to outgrow their parents. Growing up to maturity involves becoming the authority in your own life and taking on the job of self-care and self-love. This is true even if you aren’t recovering from religion. Personal h...