Christianity is a joke

By Don Meck ~ I am 61 years old, and many at my age are starting to face the fact that they haven’t much more time left and start reaching out to god and wanting to suddenly become Christians. I will never understand this notion. I was raised by fundamentalists, who were also politically conservative. I was baptized into the religion as a baby and was forced to attend church services, Sunday school, camp ground meetings and vacation bible school. Still, even at a very young age, I realized that the whole concept of religion, especially Christianity was a joke. Nevertheless, it made no difference, I was forced to attend these events. Even though I realized it was all lies, it was only over the last 20 years or so, that I have finally been able to fully denounce it all. The same can be said about the political conservatism. That too took me time to fully reject and now find myself a radical progressive and being true to myself. I actively support the Freedom From Religio...