My struggle with Sex, Relationships and Spirituality

By M ~ If God created us different, why are we all expected to be the same? T here is so much I could write. I could probably spend the rest of my life discussing and sharing about my story of how I became a Christian and my experience in a highly religious household. I call my parents the "Crazy Christians". I became a believer in Jesus Christ when I was two years old. My parents were Missionaries so you could say I was a "Missionary kid/Pastor's kid". We all know the unbelievable pressure and single mindedness that comes from being raised by "Bible Thumpers". I went to church every Sunday/I went to Awanas (Group where you memorize scriptures/intense bible study/sing Christian songs etc). I was home schooled my entire life and I was extremely religious due to my parents being missionaries. I'm pretty sure it doesn't get much more sheltered then that. I also really enjoyed these things when I was really little though. I rem...