The Empty Promise of Heaven

By Michael Runyan ~

Christianity holds out its ultimate reward, eternal life in heaven, like an apple on a stick and claims that it and only it can provide this treat to you. It is a poisoned apple. Consider the possibilities.

In heaven, there will be no imperfections, nothing to fix, nothing to improve, nothing to strive for. There will be no comeback stories, no falling in love, no making up after breaking up. There will be no hunger, no one in danger, no one in need, so there will be no satisfaction of helping someone. There will be nothing to tear down, nothing to maintain, and nothing to build. There will be no need to exercise and no need for food or drinks, your spiritual body will be able to exist without them.

There will be no golf courses, no bowling alleys, no baseball or NFL. There will be no movies, no pornography, no gambling, no practical jokes, no white lies, and no raucous comedians.

There will be nothing to complain about, no tragedies, no death, no disease, no injuries, and no dirty messes. There will be no jobs, no money to manage, no elections, no judges, no courts, no marriages, no wedding cakes, and no funerals.

In heaven, there will be no imperfections, nothing to fix, nothing to improve, nothing to strive for.There will be no aging, everyone will be the same age and in generally the same healthy dimensions, and it will seem strange that your grandfather and your grandson seem more like your brothers. There will be no shopping, no investing, no job interviews, no planning for the future. In fact, the future will be meaningless since nothing really changes.

There will be no pills to take, no vitamins, no doctors to see, and no need to even sleep. Those things are just a remnant of our nasty earthly existence.

And since Jesus confirmed in Luke 20:34-36 that there will be no marriage in heaven, it is a safe bet that there will be no sex there as well.

So for 1,000,000,000,000,000 years and beyond, what will you do? Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, year after year, forever and ever, you will sit in a church praising your jealous and ego-centered god, who made you and specifically selected you to be his devotion slave. Think about it.


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