Masturbation, Sex and Christianity

By dealdoctor ~

Guys, each of us has been involved in Christianity and many of us in a brand of Christian Evangelical fundamentalism that really caused many of us us feel guilty about our sexual urges and as teenagers, masturbation in particular. I think you might find interesting this YouTube video lecture by Alan Watts a one time Episcopal priest who later became deeply involved in Eastern mysticism and Zen Buddhism. Watts is an outstanding intellectual of top rank who does a sharp analysis of the relationship between Christianity, sex, and masturbation. He explores its Jewish and Greek foundations.

Anyway it is always good to know the source and cause of matters this includes the way things are in Christian churches as they relate to the "let me make you feel guilty abut sex stuff" brand. Watts will entertain you and he is an educator who is very well educated. Here is the YouTube lecture. See what you think. Might this be the reason Churches think about sex the way they do? Now what? Dang there is a reason for things as they are now. Do you know the history that lead to where the church is now on the issue of sex? Find out. Watch this YouTube video and then reflect and decide what you believe about all this. Watch this and THINK!


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