Length of Humiliation

From Tom Doggett ~

Just read Dr. Winell's article about RTS. Never have I felt such recognition, validation and gratitude! I'm a fundamentalist Preacher's son. I first "left the church" at age seventeen. I'm now sixty eight, and I wish to verify that those scars have festered self-doubt, depression and all the symptoms Dr. Winell describes throughout my life, because they were unrecognized and untreated.

HumiliationImage by Jane Fader via Flickr

Oh, I've seen Psychologists, and take a hand full of pills every day for Clinical Depression prescribed by Veterans Administration Dr's, but they themselves are "Christians", and brush off my mental turmoil with behavior mod "Acceptance and Commitment" therapy.

But Dr. Winell's article describes ME, to a T. I am so humiliated that it took a lifetime of suffering for someone to tell me I have a RIGHT to feel the way I do:I'm not crazy, just older and very tired of the abuses of religion. The Emperor has been naked for years. He's not benevolent at all.


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