I'm God. God is love.

By Private One ~

I am God. God is love. I love you so much.

I love you so much that I set you up to fail.

I love you so much that I taught a snake how to talk, tempt and deceive.

I love you so much that I created most of you knowing you'd reject me.

I love you so much that I made infinite torture the price of your finite rejection.

I love you so much that I'll give all who reject me a special body that will never die and never stop feeling ultimate pain.

I love you so much that I've made sexuality one of your most intense desires but one of your most forbidden actions.

I love you so much that I'll let some of you be rich, powerful and comfortable while most will be poor, miserable and weak.

I love you so much that I'll make my forgiveness and salvation one of the most obscure, secluded, exclusive, elusive, difficult, ancient, senseless, illogical and bizarre, argued, debated, opinionated, sadistic, divisive, repulsive, reject-able, laughable, unverifiable, irrational, emotional, psychological things ever conceived.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you doubt me.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you trust me.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you stay from me.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you are closer to me than anyone.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you don't serve me.

I love you so much that I'll hurt you if you serve me faithfully.

I love you so much that I'll make your suffering for ignoring me very real in this life.

I love you so much that I'll make your rewards for walking with me only real in the next life.

I love you so much that I'll kill your loved ones, destroy your life, ravage your body and make your best friends think it's your fault just to teach the devil a lesson.

I love you so much that I'll make everything you need to know about me and my love available to you in an ancient, translated, revised, edited, copied, argued, debated, contradictory, violent, terrifying, depressing, ambiguous, bizarre, embarrassing book written by dozens of disagreeing men, spanning thousands of years.

I love you so much. God is love. I am God


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