The Contract

By Carl S ~

Jesus said, “If you ask the father for anything in my name, he will give it to you.” He also states, in Matt. 7: 7-8, “Ask and it will be given to you...for everyone who asks, receives.” This is merely one of many of his guarantees: the promise of answered prayers between him and his followers. What he said is very, very, clear.

Contracts (Photo credit: NobMouse)
Believers in Jesus frequently petition his father to answer their prayers, “In Jesus' name.” Are those prayers always answered, as he promised they would be? Or is this one example of Jesus as liar?

You know as well as I that contracts frequently, if not always, include stipulations, qualifiers, exemptions, and conditions. They are there to make sure no one can claim to misunderstand just what the parties have committed themselves to (a.k.a., “read the small print”). Violations of the contract can make it null and void, incur penalties, or lead to recompense in favor of a plaintiff in a court of law.

But Jesus attaches no conditions to his promise under which the request will be granted; no “unless...” etc., to his guarantee. And he most definitely says, “anything.”

In spite of this fact, we keep hearing his followers telling us, “Yes - but...” (I don't see any small print there, do you?) They aren't fooling anyone but themselves, right?

Another thing: funny, isn't it, his followers don't notice their salesman creating different contract requirements for individual purchasers of his contract, regarding what it will take for them to get into the paradise he promises? Yet they sign on the dotted line.

You don't have to look for any small print in those gospel texts, either. Read again Jesus‘ parable of the vineyard laborers in Matt. 20:1-16. Jesus teaches that it's fair for the boss to pay those who have worked all day the same wages as those who worked one hour! Hey - no contract, no guarantees. (Or, to put it as bluntly as my friend, “How does that man tell me, “F**k you?" He says, “Trust me.”).

It's hard not to notice whenever “the prayer contract” goes kaput. We see it everywhere, and it keeps happening; even though the signers are definitely holding to their part of the bargain. And still they keep buying. Go figure.

Hey! But don't listen to legalese guys like me, his followers will warn you. Yeah, what do I know? I've been away from their Lord for so long that I've forgotten just what it is I'm supposed to be beating myself up over!

Take it from someone who's been burnt from not reading the fine print and/or trusting too much. Experience teaches me that the followers of this salesman ought to seriously ask themselves: “Do you really trust someone like this with your conscience?”


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