From my Diary

By Antonio ~

Diary entry (date removed)

Diary (Photo credit: Barnaby)
I have read it somewhere said that a religion that does not recognize science is committing suicide. When Socrates was made to kill himself because he didn’t believe in Greek gods, he humbly accepted his mistake. He was an atheist, and he made a mistake of speaking his mind but no Catholic would ever accept his mistake, not even for jailing Galileo when he said that the world was a sphere.

I was born into my religion and was made to believe that it was true until I knew better. It is a religion laden with hypocrisy based on stories which were not even original. It is a compilation of time tested folk tales that has been known to have worked convincing ignorant people to explain the then unexplainable things in life.

Blame it on history and my readings that turned me into a skeptic. Christianity is the only religion that has the motto “believe or I will hurt you”. I could cite so many instances in history that would explain this, but I don’t want to waste time so just take my word for it. Besides, this is just my opinion and I don’t really care if anyone in this country might want to read it. Writing this and showing it around and I might end up like Socrates in ancient Greece….like spitting into the wind.

Moses presented 10 rules that Christians should follow which everyone breaks everyday in ways they don’t notice. These are supposed to be commandments straight from the mouth of God but people fashion them with “acceptable amendments”. Some simple examples would be idolatry (statues), not using the Lord’s name in vain (God damn you), observing Sabbath (no overtime on Sunday), honoring thy parents (SOB), not coveting other man’s wife (Patrick Henry might have just been following this when he chains his wife in the basement). Thou shall not steal – now that’s not even normal in the Philippines.

How much sin is allowed? When God said thou shall not kill and Pope Gregory VII allowed the Crusades in 1095, how many Muslims could they kill so that they could still enter heaven? Or maybe, the commandments only apply if you kill Christians. There are so many rules that one should follow but they failed to think of a better way to say it. If I could start my own religion, there would be only one commandment. Be nice. But Christianity had to be so hypocritical even in terms of love.
To love someone, there has to be written documents virtually denying a man of freedom. Divorce is not allowed here when other Christian countries do. Does it mean that these countries allowing divorce are lesser Christians? As it is happening now, many children are “bastards” or illegitimate because divorce is illegal. It will only grow worse and people will doubt more and more the virtues and righteousness of staying in the faith because there would be more bastards roaming about. Thou shall not steal – still makes me laugh. That’s something even the Spanish friars did not adhere to when they taught us the religion.
If I could get a chance to burn that marriage contract I signed with my wife 20 years ago, I would and I’d still live with her because of the children and it is the right thing to do. But I don’t want to be tied to that piece of paper that is supposedly notarized by God.

Diary entry (date removed)

Being a teacher puts me in a very difficult situation as I live in a Christian community where I am expected to say only good things about the religion lest parents will lynch me. Perhaps if I adjust it a bit so that I will have a clear conscience of teaching them the right things without offending their parents I could pass it as a better explanation of the unexplainable for younger students.

Ok. Here goes:


“One day the lord created the universe with a huge explosion –The Big Bang. A couple of billion years later, life began on earth from the formation of amino acids that created a simple life form. From that life form God waited for another couple of billion years until He created the dinosaurs. But God was not happy with the dinosaurs and so he sent a giant meteor and blew them all away. He waited again for millions of years (not billions of years this time. Maybe he got impatient) and created monkeys and other animals instead. One of those monkeys with less hair was named Adam which he liked better than the rest.”

There will be questions like: “Why mommy said God created the world in 7 days?”

Possible answer: There were no calendars back then. God created time too. If he says it was 7 days, its ok because he is a God. (good so far?)

“Adam met this girl Eve and they lived in this place called paradise.”

They had children like other monkeys did but they all have grown less hair because God wanted monkeys with lesser hair and no tail. This new breed is now called “man”.

Question: “Mommy said they got kicked out from paradise after they ate the apple. Why is that apple so bad?”

Answer: ”That apple was a symbol. If you eat it you don’t pay taxes but you get free health care”
This sucks.

The Spanish taught us Christianity with 10 commandments but broke all of them when they colonized us for 300 years. I’m a closet atheist even if I have a very Christian name. Our government is married to the church. That is why we remain a poor country. The church does not want contraceptives so we are over-populated. We are not over populated because of immaculate conception. The church (the wife) says one thing and the government follows like a dutiful husband. The government can be corrupt because every sin will be forgiven by God anyway.

I am an atheist but I am unhappy because I am where I am. It is like being the only Jew in the Nazi party.


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