The Questions Christians Can’t Answer

By atheistnurse ~

How can a god that is described as loving, merciful, righteous, good, perfect, and just order his people to do unspeakable evil like murdering infants with a sword and letting soldiers rape young girls? And, if the LORD commanded this of his followers, then I ask, when is it OK to murder infants and rape young girls? When the people are considered “evil” is it justified?

I have posted these very questions on the ExChristian blog sites many times and not once has a xtian ever even attempted to answer it. How can they possibly reconcile a good god with these horrible evils? They can’t without sounding like lunatics who worship a baby killing, child raping god that they consistently label as loving and good.

Throughout the OT, god kills and orders the killing of MILLIONS of people. Not just “wicked” adults but innocent babies and children and condones the raping of children. How can this be?

Let’s look at a few verses:

Numbers 31:17: “Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who is not a virgin. “

l Samuel 15:2-3: "Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

Psalm 137:9: “Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rock.”

Numbers 31:18: “But all the young girls who have not known a man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.”

Here is a little scenario of how it might have happened:

For men to go in and kill EVERYONE with a sword had to have been unimaginable for us today. But the really chilling part is that god ordered it.A terrified family cowers in a corner of their home as they listen to the cries and screams of their neighbors and friends being murdered. Wild-eyed Hebrew warriors, covered in blood, bursts into their home and spy a mother with an infant in her arms and her other four children huddled around her. A pregnant woman is sobbing beside her. The father tries to shield his family and grabs a piece of firewood to fight off the intruders. The women beg the soldiers to stop and be merciful. The women and children watch in horror as the warriors brutally murder their protector, but what comes next is even more nightmarish. The Hebrew men shout that they are doing this in the name of their god YHWH then began slaughtering the screaming, frightened children. Blood is everywhere, tiny little limbs are severed, and one by one the screaming stops. The women tried in vain to defend their little ones, but they, too, are brutally murdered. The pregnant woman watches with dying eyes as the soldiers cut her unborn baby out of her womb and behead it. The only one spared is a pretty little 11-year-old girl that one leering warrior claims as his own.

There is no pretty way to put child killing and child rape. For men to go in and kill EVERYONE with a sword had to have been unimaginable for us today. But the really chilling part is that god ordered it. God, the Creator of the Universe, who proclaims to love us so much ordered the brutal murder of innocent children, infants, and pregnant women -- on several different occasions. Wouldn’t a loving god suggest they spare the lives of the children? How can you rationally think god is against abortion if he ORDERS pregnant women and unborn children murdered?

Again I ask, how can a god that is described as loving, merciful, righteous, good, perfect, and just order his people to do unspeakable evil like murdering infants with a sword and letting soldiers rape young girls? It is insanity to suggest that you could reconcile this.

I challenge any christians reading this to answer me. When is it OK to kill babies and children or rape young girls? Would you kill babies and children for god? It is not unthinkable that god might ask you to do that because it is written in his bible that he has done so before. How do you know that the horrible stories you hear on the news where someone murdered a child because “god told them to” isn’t true? How can you worship a baby-killing god? That is beyond absurd.

If nothing else in the bible gives you reason to question the authenticity of a loving god, this should. These horrendous acts were common for primitive man and reflect the culture of the time. Primitive men wrote the bible, not an omniscient loving god. Does this reflect the actions of a primitive warrior culture or of a loving, merciful, perfect, good god?


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