Divorce and the Bible

By Sarah ~

I would like to share a story that may sound strange to most, but this situation is what has brought me to this website and also caused me to question some of my beliefs.

I was dating a man in a serious relationship for five years. We discussed plans of marriage, both of our families got along well, and overall we enjoyed each other. When I met him in 2005, he told me that he had gone through a two year period where he believed he was saved and had been compelled by God to do many things, including preach the gospel. He followed Family Radio and someone called Harold Camping. He was also compelled to marry a woman who he was teaching the bible to. The marriage only lasted a few months, he divorced her, and also stated that at this time he felt that God abandoned him.

For the years to follow he became a rebel of sorts, partying, womanizing, etc. When we met he seemed to calm down a bit, but there were still some issues that we were working out. However, we were in a relationship and growing stronger.

Fast forward to last November. He started listening to Family Radio again and also reading ebible fellowship. As time went on, he could not have a conversation without mentioning scripture. Then he started saying that judgment day would be May 21, 2011. I was not sure what to say. I do not believe these things or follow these doctrines. Needless to say things became weird between us. I felt helpless because he seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into these beliefs.

In December 2010, he informed me that he would be returning to his ex-wife because the bible states that divorce is not allowed, therefore they are still married. During their marriage there are allegations of abuse and infidelity. He filed for divorce citing cruelty. She filed a restraining order against him. But now, he was being compelled by God to go back.

I was shocked and afraid when he said this to me. Again, we were together for 5 years and there were no major issues until he started reading the bible again. He reached out to the ex-wife and told her what had been revealed to him by God. She agreed to go back. They have been together now for 2 months. He has opened a facebook page where he posts different scriptures all day and is also talking about judgment day on May 21, 2011.

This has made me really skeptical about the Bible. I have wondered is this real? Is God really telling him to do these things? Is it mental illness? What will happen after May 21?

My main question do people believe something so strongly and do such crazy things if there is not something else going on with them? He seems to be in a trance. We have not spoken since he told me he was being commissioned to go back to his ex-wife. All he told me is that he hopes I do not hate him and that I should read my bible. I am totally confused about this.


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