Sex sting nabs pastor

An Ocala-area pastor is the latest to be nabbed in sex stings by Orange County detectives, the Sheriff's Office said Friday.

Investigators announced the arrests after they traveled to Marion County and arrested pastor Kenneth Kleckner at his church — Ocala West United Methodist — on charges of soliciting a minor for sex and transmitting harmful materials to a minor.

Undercover investigators posing as a girl had been chatting online with Kleckner since May, said sheriff's Detective Philip Graves.

The 44-year-old pastor, who is married and has four children, exposed himself via a web camera and talked about meeting the girl, Graves said.

They communicated through Yahoo and other chat services, and those communications took place at the church and Kleckner's home, the detective said.

Graves said Kleckner was "immediately remorseful," when he was arrested at the church Friday.

"He did admit to engaging in the chats," Graves said.

Kleckner was booked into the Marion County Jail on $55,000 bond.



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