God is Good. All The Time. All The Time. God is Good.

By American Apostate ~

I used to have to robotically recite this mantra every Sunday for years. It wasn't until just before my deconversion that I'd really, REALLY thought about it. Was God good, ALL THE TIME? All one really had to do was open up his bible and read a couple pages to really doubt the veracity of this mindless mantra. What am I babbling on about, the Christian asks? The Atheists know where I'm going. Original sin. That's right. If Yahweh is oh so loving and such a good and perfect father, than explain this shit to me. Let me just give you a little analogy, so you can see what I see when I read this story:

First off, I am a mom of 3 and a pharmacy student. I like to think of myself as a good mom. But as I read the story of original sin without the rose colored glasses of religion, I began to wonder. What if I had Yahweh's personality and this story played out like this.....

Say we fast forward a couple years and I have my Doctorate and I start my own Pharmaceutical company. I become successful and wealthy and I have a BIG mansion for my kids and I to live in together. In the middle of the complex, there's a playground with lots of trees and pets for my kids to enjoy as they please. There is even a garden in there that my kids and I plant and grow our favorite fruits!

So one day, I decide to bring work home with me. There is this medication I am working on and the main ingredient requires this plant, right? This plant, when smoked or eaten, can cause dizziness, relaxation, pain relief, paranoia or mild hallucinations, it just depends on the dose. It has been thought to cure cancer or cause severe brain damage, it just depends on who you talk to. One thing is for certain, the pharmaceutical possibilities are endless, and since the federal ban was recently lifted (this is the future, after all) I now have an opportunity to make my company a TON of money with this plant. I'm sure you have an idea of which plant I'm talking about.

So, I take this plant, for some reason, and I plant it in the middle of the garden in the playground where my kids play. And I gather my children to me and I tell them very sternly, "DO NOT EAT THIS PLANT. DONT EVEN TOUCH IT. OR YOU ARE GONNA DIE!!!"

My children, not really knowing what "die" means, say to me, "Okay mommy. Sure. We'll leave your plant alone." And they run off and play.

So then, I leave my children alone in their playground, with this plant, and I go back to work. On my way out the door, I see an ex-employee of mine. Let's just call her Lucy. This crazy bitch tried to pull some sneaky shit during the early days of my company and almost took it over. I fired her ass immediately. Now she hates me, and is doing everything she can to destroy me and my children. So what do I do? I walk right past her and turn around and watch her go into my house, toward my children. I keep walking. I go on to work anyway, leaving Lucy alone in my house with my children, whom she wants to destroy. And I know it.

So Lucy goes into the playground with my kids and she says to them, "Hey, kids, what's up with that funny looking plant over there in the garden? Bet your mean ol mom doesn't want you guys to try it, huh?"

They answer her like good, obedient children, and say, "mom says we can't even touch it or we'll die"

Lucy laughs. "Oh get real. You're not gonna die just by touching it, watch! In fact, do you even know what this plant is? Your mom is using it to make medicine for people! It helps people feel better! Grown ups use it all the time when they want to relieve stress. Hell, your mom even uses this stuff when she's feeling overwhelmed sometimes! This stuff will open up your mind and give you really deep thoughts, and you'll be JUST LIKE YOUR MOM!! Wanna just give it a try?"

So with a convincing argument like that, my innocent, trusting children eat some of the leaves of this plant.

When I get home, I see Lucy leaving, laughing her ass off. I run into the garden where my kids are, and they are hiding in the bushes, naked. They are tripping balls and are paranoid and confused and disconnected with reality. I know exactly what happened. But I ask them anyway. "Did you eat that plant?" The kids are nodding their heads and rambling incoherently, pointing fingers at each other.

So what do I do? I curse them. And kick them out of my house. What, did you expect me to cuddle them and give them water and nurse my children through their bad trip? FUCK NO I give em clothes but that's about all I do. I have completely disowned them and threw them out of my house and placed armed guards at the doors. I am so moral and righteous that there is no way I can forgive my kids for rebelling against me at this time. I have to carefully devise an overly complicated plan to get pregnant again, have that new child, wait till he gets older, and then beat the shit outta him till he dies, then I can forgive my children of what they did in the garden that day. But only if they accept it though. That's the thing, I can't just forgive my children or their children for the original transgression. They have to accept my child that I tortured and killed and believe in him before I could forgive my other children. Not only that, but of they DON'T, if they want to continue living separate from me and refuse to believe in this sick setup I have going on, and they reject me as a mother, I will kidnap them, throw them into a pit and light them on fire.

So, having said all that, do I sound "good" to you? Or did I just describe a psychopath? God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.


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