Call for Research Participants:

My name is Ines W. Jindra, and I am an assistant professor of Social Work at Idaho State University.

We are conducting a study that examines the biographies of those leaving various Christian churches, and the process by which it happens. The study also includes questions about the consequences on people’s sense of identity, well-being, on their relationships, their relationship to specific rules within the Christian churches, and on coping mechanisms that arise from the difficulties that this process might entail. This research will be valuable in helping us understand the differences between people who stay and those who leave a specific church.

We are interested in talking to people who are willing to share their experiences with us about this topic. Participation in this research study will take approximately one hour to maximum an hour and a half. Interviews will be conducted in person or via zoom, depending on your personal preference and location. Your information will be kept confidential at all times.

Your insight will be invaluable in helping us fully understand the process and consequences of leaving Christian churches, and we plan to publish our findings. If you are interested in participating in this study, please email me at and I will set up a time to schedule your interview. If you do not wish to participate, please feel free to disregard this post.

In order to participate in this study, you need to currently live or have previously lived in Idaho or Utah, and you need to be at least 18 years old.

With best wishes,

Ines, at


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