God is Man Made

By Illusion Free ~

I use the pseudonym 'Illusion Free' because it has taken many years for me to break free of so many illusions relating to the christian God and religion in general. What an ingenious hoax it is to conquer the mind of humanity by creating temples and churches in which organized religion can receive a paycheck.

Every generation that is born is swept into this illusion ... blindly following those before them who make the illusion seem so real simply because they believe in it. Behind it all, the money pots keep spilling over as those who run organized religion benefit from human ignorance.

Even more disturbing is the poorer the country or community, the more churches or temples there are sucking the blood of those who have 'faith'.

Yes indeed, humankind has capitalized upon God and manufactured God into an entity that most people can relate to... 'God is a He ... God is a she ... God is love ... God has given us commandments to follow ... God procreated a son through a virgin birth' ...

And 'God' even has human emotions ... 'I am a jealous God' ... 'worship me ... if not ... hell awaits'. This is blackmail at its finest.

The bible is also riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. Surely anyone can see that the bible was written by men over the centuries who created God in their own imageThe man made tirade of Godlike abusive power over the minds of humankind goes on and on generation after generation but perhaps most baffling of all is people actually believe that God needs their money. 'He' needs your tithes even if you don't eat. He needs you to sow a seed into his church 'in faith'.

It is all done to dominate, to control, to extract money and to keep people from experiencing their own authentic power. A healthy minded, wise and guilt free human population that can express their authentic selves and take command of their lives and environmet isn't quite profitable enough for those who seek to capitalize upon humanity's ignorance.

The bible is also riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. Surely anyone can see that the bible was written by men over the centuries who created God in their own image ('Apostle Paul' being one) ... and did not bother to smooth out the inconsistencies.

I have also realized that Christianity is much like a death cult ... the general advice and guidelines are 'everything will be fine once we die'. Don't focus too much on this life because according to Christianity ... this life is not really very good ... focus on the kingdom of heaven.

Anything that created human beings ... even if there was a slow evolutionary creation or an immediate creation ... is not a God. Think for a moment how scientists are now growing major human organs in laboratories from stem cells. They have harnessed the gift of creation ... so .... are they 'Gods'?

I believe human beings are powerful but the first step to knowing one's inner strength and power is to get up off one's knees and stop begging 'God' to help. In other words, if the human race was really mature, they would not need a 'daddy' to look out for them ... neither would they be so self destructive.

It will take time to mature as a human race ... to use logic, reasoning, compassion as well as innovation and creativity to become balanced. 'Good and evil' is a merely a convenient system of belief and behavior to avoid responsibility to stand on our own two feet as a human race.


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