Heaven is HELL!

By Anne Keye ~

The other day I came to a funny realisation whilst talking to a recently de converted christian lady. We were laughing at the concept of hell that seems to scare so many believers. I said that it was never hell that scared or bothered me but the idea that I might have to be with my relatives forever. Now, that would mean their relatives and so on and that would be some big family to squabble with I can tell you! Well, I said that would be terrible and really depressing. Every day would be the same day with the same people. A sort of "Stepford wives" gone awol. Everyday with the same people forever! No escape! You can't get out. The rape victim plays with the rapist, the murdered hangs out with the murderer and the paedophile plays with children. Well, they all found jesus didn't they and he let them in. Oh dear no thank you.

All those relatives that we secretly dislike and who dislike us secretly in turn. All those that caused us pain and suffering. Pretending forever to be nice to a load of people we have nothing in common with. No common ground, nothing! Let the back stabbing and idle gossip begin.

We would also have the sly gestapo creeps, "Oh, jesus it's me, you know the one who loves you so very much more than everybody else up here" creep, creep, " As jesus replies, "Hey, pick up the soap son"! "Uh uh uh, ow what ya doin' ta me jesus?" How many cunning cloak and dagger obsessives will be trying to worm their way around jesus? And jesus will be with the beloved disciple a bit like Michael Jackson with that little Jodie boy sitting at the front of the worship stage pretending to act normal. And we will have to go to this stage everyday and worship him, fawn over him and behave like stunted immature babes forever! It reminds me and makes me feel and think of Nazism when I contemplate the absurdity of heaven. People selling out their own families to further their own end. But of course there isn't an end to further because it is all eternity anyway.

The idea of heaven is revolting along with most of the people in it especially paedophile church leaders and members.

Hell is ideal because many of us get cremated anyway. Fire produces warmth and light and we can cook nice food and produce boiling water for a fine cup of coffee. Heaven is white but cold and sterile. It is not pure radiance but snow fallen and freezing. A bit like the North pole but it goes on forever and there isn't a boat to bail anybody out. If you are planning on going there please remember to take a very warm coat, some leggings and a wooly hat because temperatures can get beyond freezing!

I said to her that I think that believers don't really think of the consequences and misery that heaven would bring to their existence [or non existence]. Yes, she laughed and then we parted ways.


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