Fleece Alert ! !

By summerbreeze ~

This is a heads-up on a scam.

I hadn't planned on posting an article so close to my last one, but something happened to us about 2 weeks ago that I thought I should share, as a kind of warning.

My husband ( Mike ) had received a call from two guys with very thick Indian accents ( New Delhi Indian, not Native American ) who said they were from 'Windows' and wanted to help 'clear up' issues with our computer. They each took turns speaking with Mike. He thought that they were legit because we had been having a few minor problems.

They had him do several things with the computer, then said that our anti-virus protection was not sufficient and we needed to up-grade it with their plan. They explained the different programs and the costs. Mike was very suspicious and said he'd get back with them after he searched other options. They got mad, real mad. They said that they'd shut down our computer if Mike didn't accept their plan NOW. He didn't, and they actually shut down our computer!

Mike scooped up the computer ( feeling like a fool ) and took it to a computer repair shop that we trust, and they said that this scam has been going around. We got a new password, and our computer was put back in shape.

The very next day after that call, a woman called me, also with a thick Indian accent, wanting me to donate $100.00 towards feeding American Indian children in the SouthWest. ( ironic, huh ? ).....I turned her down and hung up.

Then just this week, the 2 jerks who called in the first place, called again !.....Mike gave forth with some delightful, colorful, unheard of before cuss words that would have made a Longshoreman blush.

It's pretty obvious that the three of them were after our credit card numbers.

On the Saturday after these confrontations, Mike had coffee with his buddies as usual. There are two men who are fundamentalists in a big way, who go to coffee. ( my husband is a believer, however not a church-goer ) Mike told them all what happened....the lies...the extortion...the costs....the inconvenience....the anger, and how he would love to strangle them to death.

The two fundies piped in that these people should be forgiven, after all they no doubt are in 3rd world countries and must be poor and desperate......HA !....easy to say when it never happened to you, and I doubt most sincerely that they are poor. I'll save my forgiving for people that don't try to fleece me.

P.S. - I have no problem with people from India, my favorite Doctor is from India, and she's wonderful.

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