Our Narcissistic Nation

By Jennifer Click ~

I have been slowly "de-converting" over the past couple of years...probably most of my life, but actively the 2 years....still a journey. I created a monster today on facebook when I submitted the following note:

Most of you will thoroughly disagree with what I have to say. Some of you have served our country or your sons and daughters are serving our country. I am grateful for that service, humbled by the sacrifices and distraught over the deaths of our military personnel.

But who do we think we are?

We are God's people? How did you get that conclusion? We are God's country? Where is that mentioned in the Bible? Other countries are not God's favored land? Other cultures are not God's people?? God loves some people and cultures less than others? Come on people!

We sit and watch our country attacked and are incredulous that 3000 innocent people died on 9/11. How many innocent lives of men, women and children have been lost in Iraq and Afghanastan in the past 10 years? Anyone keeping count? Does anyone consider what those children see and fear every single day? Where's the documentary film on them? Do you know that the 79/80 people in those countries don't even know what happened on 9/11 and don't understand why we are over there fighting? How do you rationalize the loss of those lives? I challenge you to write out your rationality for it and really examine it.

If you claim you are a Christian isn't it time to wake up and live what you say you believe; that God loves everyone equally? Preach peace and not war. How can we dare to fight saying "God is on our side"? Is it because we are a "Christian" nation? do you truly believe that God's people and God's "religion" landed in America?? Does anyone else see the irony and absolute ridiculous narcissism in that conclusion? We kill in the name of God? We send our children off to war and pray to God for their safety and if they are killed we say it was God's will, God's Divine Plan and for the Good of OUR country. To draw any other conclusion (such as the loss of life was due to political greed, misplaced allegiances and the common citizen blinded by the truth that war is our biggest income maker for our country) would undermine our entire world view and christian belief system. Our kids go off to fight under the assumption they are heros when they are pawns. They have been fed lies that may end in the loss of life.

If you claim you are a Christian isn't it time to wake up and live what you say you believe; that God loves everyone equally? Preach peace and not war. If you aren't a Christian you may be more likely to read this without prejudice and draw conclusions based on a a well thought out, intelligent and reality based grid.


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