Woman's Hanging and Burning of Dog Perfectly Biblical

A South Carolina woman has been charged with felony ill treatment of an animal because she hung her nephew’s pit bull from a tree and then set it on fire after it chewed her Bible.

Hopefully her lawyer will point out that here behavior was perfectly biblical. Here are five points in favor of the “It was biblical, so how can it be cruel?” defense.
  1. The Bible says that animals can be possessed by demons. Chewing a bible seems as good an indicator as any. One online forum mused on the animal possession possibilities after an East Coast woman was mauled by her chimp.
  2. The Bible prescribes capital punishment for over thirty six kinds of evildoers. (I encourage you to check the list and find out for yourself if you would qualify.) Bible chewing appears well within the range of capital offenses.
  3. Animals are not exempt from capital punishment. When a man or woman has sex with a goat for example, the goat must be put to death.
  4. Fiery torture is the ultimate punishment for unrepentant sinners in hell. There is no indication from media reports that the pit bull in question was repentant. Furthermore, it probably didn’t take the dog more than ten or fifteen minutes to burn, a comparatively light punishment by comparison.
  5. Death by burning here on earth is also sanctioned by God in the Bible. God both models it and commands it. Biblical death by burning is not only not cruel—it is not unusual.

There is no indication from media reports that the pit bull in question was repentant. Lest you think this is all irrelevant, please remember that for many Americans, biblical words are God’s words,set in stone. Just this week, a Virginia school district is re-posting copies of the Ten Commandments in all district schools. News articles on the topic were unclear about whether the Ten Commandments they are posting, were the ones Moses received on stone tablets – about redeeming your first born son and not making sacrifices levened with yeast and such, or the more familiar ten, but both should be equally relevant.

Lest we forget, we are offered these wise words from a writer in Abilene, Texas: God’s words never change and God will never bless anything that goes against His word. God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. It’s all in the Bible and I believe in what His word says. Jesus did not come to change His father’s law, but to fulfill it.

Any South Carolina judge worth his seat should know this.


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