Why Celebrate Darwin Day? Watch the Video!

Dear Friend,

This February 12, people all over the world will commemorate Darwin Day, an international celebration to honor the discoveries and life of Charles Darwin—the man who propelled science forward by first describing biological evolution via natural selection.

When I reflect on what Darwin accomplished, I'm also reminded of the challenges that science and evolution face in our nation today. A recent Gallop poll still found that 40% of Americans believe in creationism. And stealth creationist organizations like the Discovery Institute are spending millions of dollars to push so-called "intelligent design" into public schools.

Help us fight back! You can start by doing two simple but meaningful things:
First, please watch this brief two-minute video by the American Humanist Association about the importance of Darwin Day—a day to celebrate science and humanity.  

Second, sign our petition to President Obama asking him to officially declare February 12 to be Darwin Day in the United States.
Our message is clear: religious infiltration in our science classrooms will not be tolerated. Our elected leaders must show that scientific discovery and integrity are top priorities—priorities that are needed now more than ever as right-wing extremists attempt to undermine science.

Please share the video and petition with family and friends by posting them on Facebook or Twitter, or by sharing this article now. 

The International Darwin Day Foundation, a project of the American Humanist Association and founded by Dr. Robert Stephens, provides resources and publicity for individuals and organizations around the world to celebrate Darwin Day. If you would like to attend or promote a Darwin Day celebration, please visit our website at www.darwinday.org.  

We also want to hear from you! Why do YOU celebrate Darwin Day? Make a video or write a Darwin Day story about how you plan to celebrate and email it to us at darwinday@americanhumanist.org.

Together, let's promote Darwin's legacy and ensure that it lives on in the science classrooms in the United States.
Happy Darwin Day,

Roy Speckhardt
Executive Director

P.S. After you watch our special Darwin Day video and sign the petition, I hope you can do more. Share the video and petition with family and friends. Sign up to attend a Darwin Day event near you. And donate to the American Humanist Association to boost our efforts to promote science and reason. 


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