Essay on Monotheism

By billybee ~

In the struggle between monotheism vs. atheism, it is monotheism that poses and sells itself as being the “good guy.” By framing unbelief as being dangerous or even down right evil, it tricks people out of their option of ever giving serious consideration to the possibility that there may not even be any actual god to serve and fear. It hinders discovery and prohibits our true nature and understanding of the universe. This universe is our true creator and it is every bit as self sustaining as any invented god might claim to be.

Today’s monotheism is the dying yet still powerful remnant of a pre-scientific solution that ancient minds invented in order to create a desperately needed sense of security. Its foundational building blocks are myths that enshrine ignorance and fear which are in turn cemented together by unquestionable authority. It’s main objective has been to hold inquiry in check under the false notion that human advancement and progress are evil and new discovery is equal to arrogance and rebellion.

Today’s monotheism is the dying yet still powerful remnant of a pre-scientific solution that ancient minds invented in order to create a desperately needed sense of security.Monotheism extorts its supporting funds through its shameless coercion of the gullible while tapping into the kindness of the human heart. It methodically manipulates minds via its subconsciously applied pressure which cloaks itself beneath a consciously undetectable fear of death. The only remaining (non) option it offers is an eternity of relentless and unending torture backed with a written guarantee.

Monotheism is a coward that hides its true and hideous face behind a thin veil of human benevolence. It smiles and shakes your hand as it whispers terror into your ear and picks your pocket. It swallows the dreams of children through the nightmares that have been pressed upon the parents. Generation to generation it reshapes its sales pitch into whatever sly, necessary lies that are effective to keep its unwary serfs from escaping the emotional servitude it requires for its own survival. It promises heaven in the unseen hereafter, but creates a tangible hell in this undeniable and otherwise beautiful world. A real world that only wants to grow, blossom and lift itself towards the sun of truth.

Monotheism is a weed that has morphed and spread itself throughout our earthly garden. A place that could be a paradise were it not for the noxious species that has flowered to reveal no other ultimate purpose except to blot out the beauty and truth that it jealously seeks to destroy. It has had 2500 years to spread its seed. Only it’s sewer’s can deny the bitterness of its ripening fruit and the human death toll that it promises in the wake of it’s inevitable harvest.

Monotheism. It is the friendly faced destroyer that dwells among us in plain sight.
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