Another "stalemate"

By Dethblight ~

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother... then I remember sites like this and the testimonials they contain about how the seed of doubt was planted. The following is a facebook conversation I had with a friend of mine (we'll call him "L")who for a long time was largely atheistic/ agnostic/ "I don't really care about religion", but then was "saved" a few years ago.

L:"It’s especially cool that Will Smith is developing the project ($$$), will produce the project ($$$), and is planning to cast a minor over whose income he has full legal control ($$$). It’s just fun stuff.- gabe from (he's also a scientoligist (lololol forever)) so this guy is using his children to get "audit" money for his family. what a dirtbag cult loser"

Responses from his other friends.

L: "Sorry I don't believe misleading money sapping cults should be allowed. I think the people who "audit" should be dragged into the street and beat to death for leading people to believe that "angry alien spirits" cause cancer and religion and all the worlds problems. They should have to give all their info for free. It shouldn't cost 400,000 dollars to get "cleared""

More friend responses.

L: "Its hurting the people who had loved ones waste their money on a obvi fake story. The murders they cover up. Lies lies lies. You don't hate lies mom? You don't hate murder without justice? I know I get a lil excited sometimes. And obvi I don't want anyone to be beat to death. But there isn't an excuse for us. We let this go on cause people wanna be PC and get along. Mormons and the church of latter day saints are just as guilty. Your doctine is see through and fake and duh."

L: "So stop it scientology. Stop it."

Me: " no less believable than the invisible man in the sky impregnating virgins with his mind, turning family members into zombies (wonder if that's where stephen king got his inspiration for pet sematary? lol), noah's ark, etc. etc. or any other story from any other religion. and they are all just as guilty of abusing their power and hurting people"

L: "Relax man. Just bash cults here please. No need to be mean."

Me: "haha, not trying to come across as mean or angry (cuz I'm not) just making a point :)"

L: "I think comparing christianity to scientology is kind of rude. Its not so much about credibility. More about time and tradition."

Me: "Well, time /tradition don't make something inherently better than something new. For instance, when the American colonies bucked time/ tradition and left the British Empire. However, based on things YOU said, I was under the impression that it WAS about credibility/ immoral practices:

"I don't believe misleading money sapping cults should be allowed"

- Well, Christianity is a cult ( ) but cult status aside, they have been "sapping" people's money for a long, long time.

"I think the people who audit should be dragged into the street and beat to death for leading people to believe that angry alien spirits cause cancer and religion and all the worlds problems"

- Christianity uses equally ridiculous scapegoats. Some popular ones are Satan, Jews, and homosexuals. And rather than being dragged into the street and being beaten for causing people to have these beliefs, they are doing the dragging and beating to said scapegoats.

"They should have to give all their info for free"

- For a very long time the church (all christian churches of the time, not just the RCC) engaged in similar practices. Knowledge was restricted to the clergy, and then the clergy would use their knowledge / their followers' ignorance to extract money bwo indulgences.

"Your doctine is see through and fake and duh."

- Myself and many others feel the same way about christianity... but I thought we weren't discussing credibility? ;)

"I'm not saying that Christianity is any LESS believable or moral than any other, I was merely trying to point out that ALL religions are EQUALLY ridiculous and corrupt. I am not being mean, I am being honest. And if there's one thing that's missing from any and all religions, it's open and honest dialog."

"Also, how is comparing the two rude? Which definition of rude are you using (there's 5+), and how does comparing the two fit that definition?"

L: "Oh jeeZ. Forget it chris."

End of conversation.

So there you have it... when I came back with what I thought to be a rational, thought-out response specifically designed to do nothing except to say "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. your house is glass. you are holding rocks. there are broken windows everywhere." the response is "let's not talk about this."


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