Forget “God” – I prefer Humanity

By AnonAgno94 ~

I scribbled this down a few weeks ago:

I had a moment today at work when I had a breakdown. The situation itself is not worth explaining, but the outcome of it is.

At times, departing from religion leaves me lonely and cynical of the world. What is the point of life? Of people? Why should I care?

A Yellow-winged grasshopper (Gastrimargus musi...
A Yellow-winged grasshopper (Gastrimargus musicus) caught in a barbed-wire fence. The yellow back wings are usually only visible when in flight. This image was captured in the few seconds during which the unfortunate grasshopper's head was stuck in a barbed wire fence. Australia is currently experiencing a locust plague. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
But today as I was crying, my coworker hugged me. At one moment, they held my face in both of their hands, and they said how nice of a person I was, and I felt such empathy that it struck me very deeply. They said very kind words today that I just can’t get past them.

When I was a Christian, I often imagined Jesus as my comforter, my friend, my rock. But today I got a glimpse of how humanity has the ability to comfort, to sacrifice, to be love unconditionally, to forgive. We don’t need some supernatural figure to model those behaviors.

I lost eternity when I lost “god.” But reality is that I never had eternity, only thought I did. I also thought I lost “god,” but today I realized that I still have, and love, humanity, and that maybe I am still a good person without “god” after all, that I as a “little human” am capable of being something good without some “god” telling me to do so.

The “us” vs “them” mentality is a poison to the human race. Belittling our human capabilities to some imaginary being limits both us as individuals and as a species. The repulsive boundaries that dogmatic religion creates in an individual’s mind does not free them – it turns them into a blind dog with a shock collar on and limits them to have a less-than-realistic human experience. It’s repulsive. Some say, “Well, faith is a person’s choice –“ I might just disagree with that -- it’s a mental prison to escape facing realities of living, such as death. It’s a barbed wire fence keeping in sexual pleasure, unashamed love, and the freedom to create your own life purpose. Not to mention the ability to be a good person without “god.” Who would willingly choose that? But yet so many do, just as I did for my entire life up until this year.

I’m almost angry at a belief system that takes human progress and credits it to itself, and ultimately caps that progress in past ways.

Religion is like a pair of shoes on a child – at first, they are new, give foundation to the child’s steps, helps them explore the world. But after a while, they outgrow the shoes and get new ones – better ones, bigger ones. Our species is that child; we outgrow them and move on. I feel one day the same will be said of religion, of delusion. The “child” species we were is slowly growing into an adult, and those shoes are starting to become too tight and worn out for many such as myself. You outgrow and move on. But many choose to keep religion and limit themselves… keeping their old ways.

The day people begin to realize the true beauty of life without the shadow cast upon it by religion will be a huge victory for the human species.


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